IE Interiors Newsletter : Apr 2022

When I asked the group what their impression of the construction industry and engineering as a career was, much of the initial feedback I received was in line with the above quote. Whilst us within the industry know that careers in construction have changed considerably, becoming more flexible, more technology driven, safer and less physically demanding, there is still much work to do in getting this message across to the wider population. Key factors encouraging men into the industry include culture, representation, confidence and opportunity and we need to establish these more strongly for women now.

At Ardmac, we are working hard to implement the following actions to encourage more women into Engineering and Construction, and we encourage all members to do the same – 01. All roles within the construction industry should be and need to be open to women. The key is ensuring that this message is clearly communicated and that the actions of the industry demonstrate this to be true. We need to ensure recruitment campaigns are described and advertised in such a way as to attract a diverse group of applicants.


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