IE Interiors Newsletter : Apr 2022

The Hotel remained operational throughout the works; therefore, phasing was required to ensure continuity was maintained for the Hotel. At no time was access to the Hotel to be blocked or restricted in any way. This was managed stringently by the Ardmac Site Management Team, who communicated daily upcoming works to Hotel Management. Due to the front of house nature of some of the works, some of the works were completed out of hours and at off peak times to ensure minimum inconvenience to the staff and customers using the Hotel, these works were discussed in detail with Hotel Management before being carried out. At the end of each working day adjacent areas were deeply cleaned and tidied so the Hotel was respectable at all times. All access routes and fire exit routes remained clear and unobstructed throughout the programme so as not to disrupt or disturb the normal usage of these surrounding properties. As the works were completed during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, all measures required by the Government were implemented including temperature checking, staggered start & finish times, staggered break times, encouragement of hand hygiene and appropriate PPE and facemasks. Planning of the works within small areas were managed through the use of Last Planner in terms of densities and zones, it also created an open forum with the Supply Chain to discuss any constraints felt through re-planning of the works to reduce transmission of COVID-19.


Thornmont Limited Kilmainham, Dublin 8

Location: Duration: Contractor:

25 Weeks Ardmac

Client: Thornmont Limited Architects & QS: Consarc Design Group Services: Caldwell Consulting

“The works programme for the project was particularly ambitious and involved working in a ‘live’ hotel environment. The Ardmac onsite team engaged with the hotel team to mitigate the impact of the project works on guests of the property. Although the project was not particularly large it had a high degree of complexity and there were on numerous unforeseen challenges encountered on site that required urgent design solutions to maintain the project programme. The Ardmac team were always flexible, and proactively managed and engaged constructively with the design team to address unforeseen issues that arose, and routinely offered expert construction input. It was also evident during the project works that Ardmac had built strong relationships with their subcontractors and supply chain. Project quality was a key stakeholder deliverable requirement and the team at Ardmac remained focused on this deliverable right throughout the project.”

David Monks, Project Manager


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