King's Business - 1951-08

ally it is over methods and procedures and practices. Satan divides and the testimony is wrecked. We Should Be United in Doctrine Acts 2:42 There are many interpretations of the Scriptures. Some are interpreted one way and others are opposite. There can be no lasting fellowship unless all are agreed concerning the principal doc­ trines of the Word. For that reason the committee on membership should make sure that there is an agreement con­ cerning the teaching of the Scriptures on these fundamental truths before one is received into membership. If the un­ believer is not permitted to join the fel­ lowship, then he will not be able to divide ,it. The testimony must be pro­ tected by a very careful investigation of the faith, belief, and practice of the one who applies for membership in the church or any Christian organization. We Should Be United in Purpose Phil. 1:27 The object of every fellowship should be the glory of God and the salvation of men. Churches are not built around gymnasiums or playgrounds. The church of God is to be the “ habitation of God by the Spirit.” Churches whose sole ob­ ject is social service can hardly have fellowship with those whose sole object is to preach the gospel and magnify the Saviour. Those churches which put sec­ tarianism first will never be in happy

Take Heed to Usefulness 1 Tim. 4:14

would walk with God and cannot be a help to them. A stingy soul, self-seeking and promoting selfish interests, cannot bring a blessing and cannot build up the saints of God in their faith.

Paul wrote to Timothy as a needy young Christian. We may profit by ac­ cepting the advice which he gave to that young man as it applies to our hearts. Paul wrote both to Timothy and to Titus to urge them to maintain good works and to be occupied with good deeds. Every young person should ask himself, “Am I living a life that is pleasing to God and profitable to others?” We should not have to sing about the years of sinning wasted. Sept. 16, 1951 ECUMENICITY — A WORD TO KNOW Eph. 4:1-6 One of the tools of Satan is division. He divides churches and families. He divides boards and councils. He makes mountains out of molehills in order to separate good friends and thus weaken the testimony. Protestants are con­ stantly splitting and dividing. Catholics would do so but are held in chains of fear because of the power of those in authority to kill and destroy those who differ with them. A large number of so - called independent churches are wrecked by division among the mem­ bers. Sometimes it is because the pas­ tor is an autocrat without feeling. Usu­

Sept. 9, 1951 THE YOUTH PROGRAM IN OUR CHURCH 1 Tim. 4:12-16; 2 Tim. 2:1-7

The older Christians die and the younger ones must take their place. The wisdom and judgment of the older saints passes away with them so that the newer and younger ones must come into prom­ inence and places of trust with their minds somewhat unprepared and im­ mature. For this reason it is necessary that young men and young women in our Christian fellowships be trained and taught in church activities, Christian ex­ periences and responsibilities that per­ tain to the things of God. Let us train young lives wisely and thoroughly for the Lord. Take Heed to Thyself 1 Tim. 4:16 What an individual is in his character determines what he will do in his con­ duct. It is therefore necessary that young lives should be taught to be Christian in order that they may live like Chris­ tians. First, a person must réceive the gift of eternal life and then he can live that life as the Spirit enables. The first essential is to know God; then He can be made known. The young person needs a frequent inventory of himself so that he may be a sample of the believers and a typical Christian as he works among men. Take Heed to the Doctrine 1 Tim. 4:16 What we are before God and man is most essential and then what we believe is most important and determines the aims and objectives of life. Every be­ liever should know the doctrines and this is especially true of young believers. Some day they will be the teachers and the guides among God’s people and they should know what they believe and why they believe it. They are the doctrines of hell and of heaven, of sin and of judgment, the graces, salvation, conse­ cration, and many others. The young Christian should, study them earnestly. Take Heed to Your Conversation 1 Tim. 4:12 What we talk about reveals our inter­ ests. The subject of our conversation is usually the object of our affections. Those who are in love with the Lord will talk much about Him. Those who have been saved by grace will be happy to talk about that grace as well as the mercy of God. Those who love the Scrip­ tures will be found quoting them, en­ joying them, and teaching them to others. The abundance of the heart comes out through the lips. Let us re­ veal by our lips that our hearts are occupied with the blessings of heaven.

Author CHARLES L. FEINBERG, Th.D., Ph.D., Head of Department of Old Testament, Los Angeles Bible Theological Seminary, Los An­ geles, California.



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