King's Business - 1951-08

BOOK REVIEWS (Continued from Page 20)

The author has based this chapter on information from 167 Bible institutes and colleges. He finds them all “whole­ heartedly evangelical.” He reports that without exception these schools are founded on the commonly accepted evan­ gelical doctrines of the Christian faith, and most of them are committed to pre- millennialism in their doctrinal position. He finds that Bible-school education is “ a serious business shot through with a sense of urgency.” Secular education, on the other hand, is merely “groping for a core of values to preserve democracy and keep society from disintegration and self-destruction” by resorting to human means to meet the prevailing crisis. Here is the core of the matter: “While secular schools presume to relieve existing ten­ sions by educating the whole man with­ out recourse to supernatural grace, evan­ gelical education sees the present situa­ tion in the context of divine-human relationships.” “ Bound neither by the graveclothes of classicism nor the chains of empirical science, Bible-college education makes use of the abiding elements of both while providing an integrated education for the whole man,” concludes the Stony Brook educator at the end of this fas­ cinating and dynamic chapter on Bible institutes and colleges. In the closing chapters, Dr. Gaebelein points out that Christian education has a higher goal for youth than constant struggle ending in repeated failure. “ The transformation of human nature by the power of Christ cleanses the central spring of man’s energies, changing his desires to accord with Scriptural ideals. The outcome is a relationship of self to God which lifts life to the place of victory. Adjustment to God through the atoning love of Christ is the surest guarantee both of right relationship to others and of progressive adjustment to self, of a conscience void of offense and of a peace that passes understand­ ing. Another feature is therefore added to the portrait of Christian youth—the feature of victory in and through con­ flict. Though the struggle with evil and the world is life-long, the glorious pre­ rogative of Christian youth is victory through Him who loves us and gave Himself for us” he writes. This book should be at once a rebuke and a challenge to the eighty million Americans who profess Protestantism. During the past half-century the mod­ ernists and atheists have taken over higher education. But this book blue­ prints a positive plan for rectifying this unhappy state. The last chapter bearing the title, “ The Unfinished Business of Christian Education” stresses the ur­ gency of the evangelical church carry­ ing forward the command embodied in the Great Commission, even though we look daily for the return of our Lord. Revival is the crying need of the hour, and this need cannot be disassociated from Christian education.

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RUSHING GOSPEL TO RUSSIANS AND OTHERS The Slavic Gospel Association is continuing to evangelize Russians, Ukrain­ ians, Polish and others in Europe, South America and North America as well as witnessing to the Jewish people in Uruguay and Cuba. The urgent need at the present time is to engage full-time missionary- evangelists, to send New Testaments and Gospel literature, to continue helping suffering Christians with relief. Several new missionaries already left for Alaska and Europe. Others will be going as the Lord provides means. SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneka, General Director, Dr. Paul W. Rood, Chairman 2434 N. Kedzie Blvd., Dept. K., Chicago 47, 111. In Canada—14 Park Road, Toronto, Ont. Sample copy of the Slavic Gospel News magazine will he sent free on request. PETER DEYNEKA

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