King's Business - 1951-08



T oday thousands o f w eary Jewish Christians bear the cross o f shame and suffering. W ill you not lend a helping hand as Sim on o f C erene d id ? A Jew ish Christian 'miles'—“ With many thanks I acknowledge a food parcel. Every article of the food is like bread from Heaven.” Our S ociety m inisters to needy Jews and Jew ish Christians in m any lands. I f G od leads you to pray for these Jewish Christians, w ill you Write us about it? Interdenominational Jewish Missionary Society o f North America, Inc. North Side Branch, P. O. Box 34, ATLANTA 5, GA. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: W. F. Talley. Esq., President: H. M. Hope. Esq., Vice-President: J. J. Timlin, Esq., Treasurer: Rev. Paul L. Berman, Secretary; Rev. Oscar R. Lowry, D .D .: Rev. A. J. Lindsay, D.D.; Rev. J. H. McComb, D.D. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Rev. L. Sperry Chafer, Litt. D .; Rev. G. Allan Fleece, D.D., Rev. Robert L. Evans, D.D.; Rev. E. Harrison, D.D., Ph.D., Norman B. Harrison, D.D., Rudolph C. Logefeii, M. D., Rev. J. Vernon McGee, D.D., Rev. William McLeister II, Daniel Rose, Esq., Rev. R. Soltau. D.D. /fYouOort In the congested high speed traffic of today the use of beverage alcohol is a known hazard. The National Safety Council says that one out of every four fatal traffic accidents involves liquor—that means 8,000 people killed last year— scores of thousands of others injured and millions lost in property damage. All this costs money—money that insurance companies have to pay out in claims—money that policyholders have to first pay in premiums. But here is good news for you: There is at last one insurance company in America that insures total abstainers only. And at last a preferred insurance rate is offered by it for non-drinking drivers. Thousands of policyholders now benefit by this dependable protection in a regular legal reserve insurance company. Among them are prominent ministers, school teachers, lawyers, doctors, college professors, political leaders and business men. Are you a safe non-drinking driver? If so we want to extend to you an invitation to join with the thousands who now obtain their automobile protection from us. We want you to write us today for full details about insurance for your car. Full details will come by return mail and no sales­ man will call. Even if your present policy does not expire at this time write us today. Then youTl have all the information when you want it. Mail the coupon now. There is no obligation. PREFERRED RISK MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY “America’s Only Total Abstainers Automobile Insurance Company’* Sam Morris, President— 2506 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa PREFERRED RISK MUT. INS. CO., 2506 Grand Ave., Des Moines, la.: □ Please send me complete information about your auto insurance for total abstainers. I understand there is no obligation and no salesman will call on me. N am e----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------- —• Address WHY HELP PAY FOR THE ACCIDENTS OF THOSE WHO DO?

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City — . Age -----

Occupation- What is the age of youngest driver in your household ?- Make of car —;------------------------------------------------------------ ------- Body T ype------------------------------------------------------------------------

. Year— —Model (series)-

ADDRESS _ CITY________ SCRIPTURE P R E S S ... 434 |

Expiration date of present insurance King—B-751

Chicago 5, III. Dept. KBP-81

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