
Real Estate Journal — New Jersey — September 15 - 28, 2017 — 13B


M id A tlantic

N ew J ersey

SESI Consulting Engineers Underutilized brownfield site, now a profitable and tax-producing property

ue to the shortage of developable land near transportation corri- dors, many developers have turned to environmentally im- pacted sites for commercial and industrial redevelopments. The acquisition and redevelopment of these sites requires an elevated level of due diligence review and investigation. SESI Consulting Engineers (SESI) headquartered in Pine Brook, NJ has worked on numerous brownfield redevelop- ment projects, from the due dili- gence phase through remedia- tion and ultimately the issuance of the Response Action Outcome (RAO). A 105-acre former indus- trial site requiring multi-media remediation solutions—Bridge- Port Logistics Center, located on the Arthur Kill is a poignant case study. This site, in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, contained wide- spread impacts from the dis- posal of metal-impacted waste slag. The site also contained leaking underground storage tanks (USTs), PCB-impacted soil, waste battery casings, and creosote, among other environ- mental constraints. Developed in the late 1800’s by the Ameri- can Smelting and Refining Com- pany (ASARCO) and National Lead, this site was home to a secondary lead smelting opera- tion and paint manufacturing facility known as Dutch Boy Paints. Prior to redevelopment, the property consisted of mostly tidal wetlands filled with as much as 25 feet of industrial slag from operations over the years. SESI assisted the devel- opers in reaching a remediation cost settlement between the NJDEP and the responsible par- ties. SESI completed the reme- dial investigation and developed the remedial action workplan. The remedial actions in- volved eliminating the expo- sure of site contaminants to hu- man and ecological receptors. Major elements of the remedial action included demolition of buildings, “hot spot” source removal, on-site consolidation and off-site removal of impact- ed materials, stabilization and on-site containment of residual materials, a site-wide capping system, a site-wide groundwa- ter containment system, insti- tutional controls (deed notice), and post-construction perfor- mance monitoring. The major engineering controls include a 8,300 foot long soil-bentonite slurry wall surrounding the site which, together with a site-wide capping system and D

variety of geotechnical ground improvement techniques were employed to enable construc- tion of the new buildings. These techniques included surcharg- ing soft compressible clays using pre-loads, controlled modulus columns, deep dynam- ic compaction, and the instal- lation of micropile-supported bridge foundations. The final step to cap the site and contain any remain- ing impacted material was the development elements themselves. Buildings, road- ways, and parking lots act as a site-wide engineered capping system, preventing direct hu- man and ecological exposure to underlying residual soils.

Thanks to Bridge Develop- ment, the site is now home to three industrial warehouse buildings totaling 1.29 million s/f. A brownfield site, unused for decades, is now a profitable and tax-producing property. Further, the site tenants have created hundreds of jobs for local residents, brought value to the surrounding area, and eliminated a severe, on-going, environmental challenge ad- jacent to a critical ecological receptor – the Arthur Kill. SESI Consulting Engi- neers is here for all of your Environmental, Geotech- nical, Geo-Structural, Wa- ter Resources, and Land Planning needs. n

105-acre former industrial site

a stormwater management system, has substantially mini- mized groundwater impacts. A variety of alternative types of clean fill were utilized on this site, including steel slag, processed dredge material, re-

cycled glass aggregate, recycled asphalt pavement, among oth- ers. SESI also was the lead geo- technical engineer for the proj- ect. The soil conditions on this site were generally very poor. A




Land Planning

Water Resources

Established in 1976, SESI has earned an excellent reputation for providing comprehensive Geotechnical, Environmental, and Land Development Civil Engineering services. SESI serves residential, commercial, industrial, manufacturing and chemical companies, developers, and government agencies throughout the Northeastern United States. Pine Brook, NJ

973-808-9050 www.sesi.org

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