
2A — September 15 - 28, 2017 — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


Successful Real Estate Development Company SEEKING

Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal

Mid Atlantic R eal E state J ournal Publisher, Conference Producer ...................................... Linda Christman Associate Publisher ................................................................ Steve Kelley Associate Publisher ...................................................................Kim Brunet AVP, Conference Producer . ................................................. Lea Christman Senior Editor/Graphic Artist .................................................Karen Vachon Office Manager ......................................................................Miriam Buttrick Contributing Columnists ............Matt Cabrey; Charles J. Caramanna, PE, LEED AP, CCP, CPMP; Elizabeth Schamberger, P.G. Mid Atlantic R eal E state J ournal — Published Semi-Monthly Periodicals postage paid at Rockland, Massachusetts and additional mailing offices Postmaster send address change to: Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal, 350 Lincoln St., Suite 1105 Hingham, MA 02043 USPS #22-358 | Vol. 29 Issue 17 Subscription rates: $99 - one year, $148 - two years, $4 - single copy REPORT AN ERROR IMMEDIATELY MARE Journal will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion 781-740-2900 | Fax: 781-740-2929 www.marejournal.com The views expressed by contributing columnists are not necessarily representative of the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal



COMPETITIVE COMPENSATION PACKAGE BENEFITS CONVENIENT SUBURBAN PHILADELPHIA LOCATION in retail leasing, including knowledge of lease terminology and deal structures, in addition to outstanding negotiating and closing skills. This position is at the VP level in the company and is responsible for identifying, developing, building and maintaining relationships with potential tenants. This position is also responsible for communicating and coordinating with several departments to ensure terms and documentations are arranged and properly executed. This role requires at least five years of experience

Caroline Shelly, CID, LEED AP

Minimizing the Effects of Internal Politics on Facility Planning Projects I nternal politics or work- place politics is the process and behavior in human interactions involving power and authority. Regardless of the size of the company, there is always some degree of internal politics to be aware of. Internal politics can have an impact when a firm takes on a facility planning project, regardless of the size. The Facility Manager has the key role in handling the expectations on the project. Valuable strategies to be aware of can help mitigate any esca- lation that could slow or even derail a project: Identify what you are trying to accomplish – when disagreement occurs, it is easy to take it personally and focus on differences. Instead, focus on the business objectives. Discuss the pros and cons to ascertain what is best for the business. Concentrate on your cir- cle of influence – There are times when end-user’s de- mands compete with the di- rection of the project. Instead

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of being blindsided, focus on things that you can do to influ- ence the situation. Be aware you have op- tions – A customary reaction to politics at work is “eat or be eaten.” It takes more than an instinctive reaction to win in the workplace today. Cre- ating a winning environment requires making conscientious and informed decisions to move a project forward. Avoid taking sides – It is not uncommon to find yourself stuck between two powerful figures with opposing views of a facility project. For instance; one Vice President wants to embrace the new “Google” workplace strategy with open seating, while the other VP is adamant about maintaining a

more conventional seating as- signment. In a case like this, focus on the business objective and do not take sides with ei- ther of them. Facilitate a com- mon communication policy to help open communication chan- nels and facilitate a possible compromise within the space. Keep it professional – Situ- ations may escalate to where the tempers flare, it is best to try and avoid this at all costs. There may be the initial good feeling of a “win” but in the long run, you may have jeopardized a relationship that you may need on your side in the future. Be empathetic, before be- ing understood – Most people feel unjustified because they are misunderstood. With 2 ears continued on page 4A


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