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Les Comtés unis recherchent des avis sur l’accessibilité

Du lundi au jeudi à partir de 15h

Les résidents de la région de Prescott et Russell qui utilisent un fauteuil roulant, un triporteur ou qui utilisent une canne dans leurs déplacements sont appelés à donner leur avis au Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (CUPR) concernant les questions d’accessibilité. En effet, les commentaires de gens vivants et travaillants dans la région permettront d’aidé à améliorer l’accessibilité des services aux personnes présentant un handicap physique ou à mobilité réduite. Alain Lacelle du département des services sociaux des CUPR recueillera les candidatures pour trois sièges au comité de l’accessibilité. Les Comtés unis ont mis ce comité en place depuis plusieurs années déjà et doivent combler un minimum de siège afin de maintenir le quorum requis lors des votes.

La responsabilité première du comité est d’évaluer le plan stratégique d’accessibilité, d’une durée de cinq ans, et de témoigner des progrès réalisés sur les infrastructures ainsi que sur les projets des Comtés unis, à la suite des commentaires de la population. M. Lacelle a cependant indiqué que lemandat du comité ne se limite pas seulement à cela. « Nous avons eu des discussions par la passé sur le transport adapté, ce qui est représente une certaine problématique », a-t-il expliqué. Le comité est aussi disponible afin de jeter un œil sur les ressources humaines afin de rendre les emplois offerts accessibles à tous, incluant les personnes à mobilité réduite. Les personnes intéressées à siéger au comité sur l’accessibilité peuvent communiquer avec Alain Lacelle au 1-800- 667-9825 ou par courriel à l’adresse alacelle@

25 $ +taxes Jouez au golf sur un superbe parcours Voiturette incluse


Du lundi au jeudi 17h à 20h

Low water warning from SNC

Profitez d’undécor enchanteur avec vue sur le lac

8 $

10 $

1 bière et 5 ailes de poulet

1 bière et 1 burger au porc effiloché

The recent thunderstorms may have shaken things up a bit, and messed with satellite T.V. reception during everyone’s favourite programs, but they haven’t made much difference in the water levels for the SouthNation andOttawa Rivers and other streams. The SouthNation Conservation Authority (SNC) has had a Level 2 moderate drought condition alert for the South Nation River watershed region since early July. Sandra Mancini, SNC water resources technician, reported that the situation has not changed. “We’re still at Level 2,” Mancini said during a July 27 phone interview. A Level 2 rating means that drought conditions for the watershed region are moderate for this time of the year when compared to what is normal, based on the average of past years. A Level 1 rating means minor drought conditions while Level 3 is extreme. The SNC website noted that Environment Canada climate stations located in Cornwall, Ottawa, and Brockville all show that the total amount of rainfall for Eastern Ontario, for the past three months, has been 60 per cent of what is normal for the region during the summer season. “We need a little bit more,” explained Mancini, adding that a 20 per cent increase in the amount of rain, compared to what has fallen so far, would help reduce drought conditions for the watershed back to Level 1 or better. SNC staff has receivedmore than a dozen reports of wells in the watershed region either going dry or working at low-pressure. Some callers have asked staff about whether there should be any concern about bacteria

or algae growth in the wells as a result of the drought condition. Some longtime residents have remarked to SNC staff that they never sawwater levels as low as they were in June. Mancini noted that the prolonged dry weather has not proven a threat to stream habitats yet, though some SNC staff and local landowners have noted “scattered pools” where the receding water in some creeks has left behind isolated water-filled depressions in the stream bed. The SNC Water Response Team has toured around the region, and also answered inquiries from farmers about the impact of the drier weather on local crop yields. The recent storms may have reduced concerns that newly-planted seedlings and wild vegetation might suffer from the drier weather. Meanwhile the SNC urges residents, businesses and industries in communities within the South Nation watershed, to reduce their water use by 20 per cent through active water conservationmeasures. Check with municipal offices about local water conservation rules for homes. Homeowners are urged to avoid car washing and to limit watering lawns and gardens to about an hour either in the early morning or the early evening. Evening watering will give the ground a good chance to absorb all the water during the night. Watering during the middle of the day will see most of the water wasted through evaporation. For further updates on drought and water level conditions, go online to www.nation.









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