Board Converting News, July 15, 2024

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AICC Emerging Leaders Engage, Learn In Savannah, Georgia BY JOHN MCQUEARY

In the age of social media, economic uncertainty, and seemingly ev- er-shorter attention spans, how do you get more than 40 leaders under the age of 35 to stay engaged in their workplace and want to be drivers of success at their companies? Well, that is one of the things we set out to find out during AICC’s annual Emerging Leaders (ELs) Workshop. The 2024 theme for the EL program, selected by EL Junior Delegate Jordan Dawson of Harris Packaging, was “Engage!” This has motivated

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the leadership of our EL program to focus on ways to educate ourselves and our fellow members on the importance of staying engaged within our respective companies, AICC, and our broader EL community. We put those ideas to the test in Savannah, Georgia. Traditionally, the AICC vice chair would host a summer workshop, formerly called the EL Field Trip, to connect with the next generation of industry lead-



John McQueary

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ers and to promote an opportunity for education, peer training, and net- working. To better foster relationship development, the event is designed to be more intimate than large national meetings; therefore, attendance is capped at 40 members. Current AICC Vice Chair Gary Brewer, CEO of Package Crafters and Creative Packaging, took on the challenge. He and his wife, Ginny, worked with AICC and the EL delegates to plan the Savannah event.

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Forty ELs set foot on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, in Savannah. They came from across the United States and Canada, representing a vari- ety of general and associate member companies and holding various primary job functions, from customer service representatives and sales executives to managers and the children of company owners. They rep- resented the next generation of leadership and the hope for the future of the independent packaging industry and its related industries. After settling into their hotel rooms and catching up on work emails, the group met in the hotel lobby and walked along the 18th-century cob- blestone River Street, which runs along the Savannah River. From there, they boarded a charter boat that took them about 30 minutes to the 19th-century Old Fort Jackson. There, the members were greeted by two local reenactors in 1812-era uniforms who shared historical information about the fort and demonstrated period muskets. As the ultimate “dinner bell,” there was a celebratory firing of a Civil War-era cannon. Then, ELs enjoyed a Lowcountry-style meal and time together in this CONTINUED ON PAGE 14


July 15, 2024

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