Board Converting News, July 15, 2024

Emerging Leaders Engage (CONT’D FROM PAGE 12)

The Perfect Combo Get Peak Performance From Your Equipment with Matched Component Sets

beautiful and historic space that sits right on the river. This low-pressure time of networking is key for the members, many of whom are newer to the industry, to build relation- ships that will benefit them for the rest of their careers. The next morning, members took a bus to the DS Smith Riceboro Paper Mill, where they enjoyed a thorough mill tour and learned more about the production of linerboard from the team at DS Smith. After the tour and a bus ride back to the city, members had a networking lunch before sitting down for a deep-dive training session led by Omar Abdullah, Ph.D., of Baroco Corporation. Abdullah led a thorough and interactive workshop focusing on the con- crete steps the attendees could take to foster engage- ment within their own teams and how to help these princi- ples overflow into their entire organization. After the workshop concluded and the attendees were sufficiently motivated to help transform their companies and careers for the better, the group headed to a cele- bratory networking event. Together, they attended a Sa- vannah Bananas baseball game. The game was a hit, and smiles were abundant. On the last morning of the workshop, the EL members headed to Gary Brewer’s local sheet plant, Creative Pack- aging. There, members were given a tour of the facility and a chance to learn more about the production practices and operation principles of the Creative Packaging team. After the tour ended, the bus was loaded up one fi- nal time and transported the group to the airport to catch their flights home and back to their offices and produc- tion floors. Ask any EL who was there, and they’ll tell you they left feeling engaged and ready to work hard to help take their businesses to the next level. Plus, they got to have plenty of fun along the way. As the AICC slogan says, “When you invest and engage, AICC delivers results.” John McQueary is an AICC Emerging Leaders Senior Del- egate and Area Sales Manager for Corrugated Board at Bobst North America. Kuznicki Leaves Billerud; Lundqvist Appointed Acting President Solna, Stockholm based Billerud recently confirmed that Kevin Kuznicki, President of Billerud North America and member of the Group Management Team, has left the company to pursue other ventures. “I would like to express a big thank you to Kevin Kuznic- ki for his contributions since taking over the role in March 2023. He has been a key person in guiding the North America operations during a challenging year for the com- pany,” says Ivar Vatne, President and CEO, Billerud. Tor Lundqvist, Deputy President and Senior Vice Presi- dent of Operations for North America, will assume the role of Acting President, Billerud North America, until a succes- sor is appointed.

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July 15, 2024

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