Board Converting News, July 15, 2024

LPC Celebrates Company Day, Employee Appreciation

Lewisburg, Tennessee based Lewisburg Printing Compa- ny (LPC) announced the celebration of its second LPC Day and Employee Appreciation Day on May 1 – topping off a week of special day outfit contests and recognition of employees and their dedication to customer excellence.

Recently retired CEO Hale Hawkins and VP of Business Development Kirk Kelso cooked for the entire team. Tonya Kowa-Morelli, COO, was the master of ceremony and pre- sented Peter Doyle, Pricso, as Vendor of the Year. The new CEO, Clay Davis, spoke on the company vi- sion and expanion plans.

PRINTCHEK REPRESENTS A NEW FRONTIER IN PRINT QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR THE CORRUGATED CARDBOARD INDUSTRY PrintChek uses a series of line scan cameras to capture an image of each sheet across its entire span before being die-cut. Every sheet's size, rotation, and print quality are then compared to your set “golden standard” to identify defects as small as 2mm like skew, spots, hickeys, smears, color deviation, missing print, and more. Using PrintChek in conjunction with MeasurementChek allows you to remotely monitor production and quality statistics which you can then export via Excel for statistical analysis.




Adhesive Dispensing and Quality Assurance Solutions Valco Melton :+1 513 874 6550 |


July 15, 2024

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