King's Business - 1961-06

O n e c a n n o t be visiting constantly in the homes of the unsaved and saved alike without making obser­ vations. Talking with thousands of folks of all kinds and counseling with many each week, I have seen the importance of and possibility for “Happiness In the Home.” Parents and children alike need to have a happy home if they are to live normal lives. God has a plan and a program which always works, and you can have happiness in your home, if you will follow His instruc­ tion. One of the crumbling foundations of our Twentieth- Century civilzation is the very rapid deterioration of the home. Only a few years ago there was but one divorce in 500 marriages. The divorce evil, however, has rapidly in­ creased, so that now in certain sections of our country it is reported that we are approaching the staggering proportion of four divorces in every five marriages. This fact should arouse any sound and sensible person . . . and challenge everyone of us to do our uttermost to build again the homes of America. Comparatively few can sing with honesty, “ Be It Every So Humble, There’s No Place Like Home.” Satan has succeeded to a large extent in the moral decay and disunity of the average home. Even many Christian families are feeling the pressures and strains of our day. The picture in Scrip­ ture of the happiness, contentment, shelter, and blessing of a Christian home is far superior to that which is often seen even in the average good home. With many women today more interested in a profes­ sion . . . than a career of motherhood, sweet innocent babes are bom into our world with a mother who hires a baby-sitter to do her God-given responsibility of caring for her young. Fathers today are seldom more than the ones who bring home the proverbial bacon. Without much concern for the spiritual welfare of the family, he chooses to be with the fellows at the club or the lodge, etc., rather than to be with his family. While parents today frequent the night clubs and drink cocktails, a great multitude of broken-hearted teenagers cry for help. A delinquent child is just sending out an SOS for help. Young folks today do not need more entertainment or more things to do. They do need parental care and the discipline of a real Christian home. The need of the American family is not that of more conveniences, for the average family today has far more than the family had 25 or 50 years ago. We do not need more laws to regulate the activity of the home, but we do need Christ in the home. This is impossible without father and mother being true “ bom again” Christians. A Christian home is one built on the Bible and one following the teachings of the Word of God given to its members, and such a home is to both parents and children worth more than all else. There are many religious homes which perhaps could be likened somewhat, at least, to Lot’s home down in Sodom. Lot was a religious man, for we read in II Peter 2:7 that he was vexed with the filthy conversation of that folk. But his home was a worldly home, for he had opened its doors to the Sodomites who were worldly. Lot’s home, although religious, was a disgraceful home, for he sought to purchase peace at any price, even at the sacrifice of his children. One of the greatest challenges facing our young men and young women as well as parents today is that of building and maintaining Christian homes. Deep in the heart of every sane soul is a love for home, for it is the nursery of humgn lives, and nothing can take its place. Its seclu­ sion anjd shelter and culture are essential to happiness. The Christian home is still the greatest institution on earth, quid it is not an enclosure of four walls and an accumulation of furniture, but the place where a family, father, liother, and children, are learning to work and

Happiness In The Home

by Dr. Roy L. Kraft



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