King's Business - 1961-06



C U !L T s c RI T 1Q U E by Betti' Bruechert T h is is a n e w column we hope to run each month and it will deal with the. “ isms” that are increasing so rapidly in our country. Friends are invited to send in brief accounts of experiences with these cults. Today we deal with Mormonism and the following is from the publication of the Utah Christian Tract Society, Box 725, La Mesa, California. The Mormon church is built upon the foundation of the visions and revelations w h i c h Joseph Smith claimed he received. The Doctrine and. Covenants, in which they are record­ ed, is given precedence over all other Mormon books. It consists almost en­ tirely of Joseph Smith’s revelations and they are accepted as absolute doc­ trine for the Mormon church. Some of these so-called revelations are so ridiculous, however, that we wonder how even the Mormons them­ selves can accept them. Consider this one concerning the visitations of good or bad angels, or spirits, and how they may be detect­ ed, taken from Section 129: “When a messenger comes saying he has a message from God, offer him your hand and request him to shake hands with you. If he be an angel he will do so, and you will feel his hand. If he be the spirit of a just man made perfect he will come in his glory; for that is the only way he can appear . . . Ask him to shake hands with you, but he will not move, because it is contrary to the order of heaven for a just man to deceive; but he will still deliver his message. If it be the devil as an angel of light, when you ask him to shake hands he will offer you his hand, and you will not feel anything; you may therefore detect him. These are three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God.” We have often wondered what the Mormons think is preventing the devil from reading this “ revelation” and then appearing and delivering his deceptive message without shak­ ing hands? Tins is indeed a “ shaky revelation”—-but such is the founda­ tion of the Mormon church.

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Please send me, without obligation: □ “ Double Dividends,” the ' story of Moody annuity plan. □ “ Where There's a Will,” telling of I stewardship in relation to wills.

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JUNE, 1961

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