King's Business - 1961-06


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These two sets of indispensible works have been the choice of spiritual leaders for 80 years. H. A. Ironside says, "Opened up the Scriptures in their comprehensiveness in a way that nothing- else ever touched." Wilbur M. Smith says, "One of the richest devotional works in the English language."

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M Y PASTOR M y pastor shapes his sermons from A to final Z In clear and forthright language, and aims them straight at me. And when he gets to preaching I look around to see If there might be another deserving more than me. But every soul looks saintly — their hearts to heaven turn, While I, in my convictions, can only sit and squirm. You know, I often wonder if I should miss a day, Would he without his target have any­ thing to say? ☆ ☆ ☆ AN OPEN LETTER TO YOUTH What can we do? Where can we go? Always we hear the plaintive cry of teen-agers. I can make some suggestions. Go home. Hang the screens, paint the wood­ work. Rake the grass. Mow the lawn. Shovel the walk. Wash the car. Learn to cook. Scrub some floors. Repair the sink. Build a boat. Get a job. Help the minister. Red Cross, Sal­ vation Army. Visit the sick. Assist the poor. Study your lessons. And when you are through and not too tired, read a book. Your parents do not owe you en­ tertainment. Your village does not owe you rec­ reational facilities. The world" does not owe you a liv­ ing. You owe the world something. You owe it your time and energy and your talents so that no one will be at war, or in poverty, or lonely again. In plain simple words: GROW UP! Quit being a cry baby. Get out of your dream world. Develop a back­ bone and start acting like a man or a woman. With other parents, I am tired of nursing, protecting, helping, appeal­ ing, begging, excusing, tolerating, denying myself needed comforts for your every whim. If you get out of school today and stop learning tomorrow, you are un­ educated the next day. —A Mother

Loizeaux Brothers, Inc H W ill 21« STREET; NEW YORK 10. N. Y.

Miscellaneous Writings

Notes on the Pentateuch

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Presenting a four-fold concept of the ministry of the Gospel founded on a thorough training in English Bible , Biblical languages , Systematic The­ ology . and Practical Theology •


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