King's Business - 1961-06

personal evangelism by Benjamin Weiss 'Ziaty Sfeinxt A c h a n g e d l if e through spiritual conversion is truly a miracle. This miracle is beyond the wisdom or ability of any Christian. A Christian can be helpful in bringing another person to Christ; the changed life and new life in Christ is the work of the Holy Spirit. He energizes and guides the Christian worker to the person and directs him in his witnessing and counseling. Peter describes how he was led by the Holy Spirit to go to the house of a gentile and preach Christ to him: And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man’s house (Acts 11:12). He directs Christians in the use of the Bible in witnessing to an unsaved person. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit. He also inspires Christians in the understanding and use of the Word. For it is not y e that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speak- eth in you (Matthew 10:29). He not only directs the Christian worker, but he also convicts the un­ saved person of sin. This brings a real concern to the mind of the unsaved person about his sins and need for salvation. It is the preparatory work of the Holy Spirit in the heart and life of an unsaved person. The Holy Spirit directs a soul win­ ner to a person who has already been prepared. And when He is come He w ill re­ prove the world of sin, and of righteousness, a n d of judgment (John 16:8). Actually, a Christian may be direct­ ed to an unsaved person to witness to him and to help prepare him to seek after God. Which things also we speak, not in the wordi which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the H oly Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things w i t h spiritual (I Corthinthians 2:13). Jesus promised His disciples that He would send the Holy Spirit to help and guide them. They would not be witnessing and leading persons to Christ in their own strength but through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Training With Purpose diversified > accelerated > accredited c / f

Dentistry Fou r-m on th cou rse . A p ­ proved by State of Ca lifo r­ nia Board of Dental Exam­ iners, Department of Voca­ tio n a l and P ro fe ssio n a l Standards. Offered in one semester. Practical training in m issio n a ry d e n tistry . Doctors of Dental Science instruct all classes and lab­ oratory work. Classes start in January.

Nursing Cou rse s fo r 4 , 8 or 12 months. Classroom, labora­ tory and hospital in s tru c ­ tions and experience. The 12-month cou rse qualifies the graduate to take the Califo rnia State Board Ex­ amination and obtain the L V N. degree. Classes start in Septem­ ber and January.

Dispensary Four-month cou rse Gives training in laboratory anal­ ysis and clinical practice. Instruction on how to set up a dispensary and how to deal intelligently with com­ mon ailments. Classes start in January.

All courses are open to: Christian missionaries, pros­ pective or on furlough, men or women workers, who may be stationed in areas remote from qualified medical care.

BIOLA SCHOOL OF M ISS IONARY M ED IC INE 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California

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and is His child by faith in Christ. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the chil­ dren of God (Romans 8:16). The Holy Spirit also continues His work in the life of the saved person. No one can by his own strength live a righteous life. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that helps him. He is constantly available to the Christian for strength and guidance. This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and y e shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).

We are His messengers or helpers. The Holy Spirit is the one who does the work of changing a person’s life. Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God (I Corinthians 2:12). Actually it is the Holy Spirit who brings assurance of salvation to the seeker. When a seeker comes by faith to God, the Holy Spirit seals or assures him that he has met God’s approval and has been received into God’s favor


JUNE, 1961

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