BIBLE WORKBOOK By Catherine B. Walker, M.A., D.R.E. Widely used in high school Bible classes. Suitable as adult Bible study guide. Questions, notes, maps, and outlines Vol. 1— Old Testament Vol. 2— New Testament BIBLE WORKBOOK DISTRIBUTORS $1.00 each 420 E. Madison, Wheaton, Illinois
by James O. Henry Chairman, History Department, Bieh College
world newsgrams
ing the internship, each church agrees to see to it that he participates in the full range of church activity. This includes preaching, youth work, and study of church financing. Army Orders Portable Radar Sets Portable radar sets weighing thirty- five pounds have been ordered from a Long Island concern by the Signal Corps. The battery-powered, transis torized units are designed to be car ried by combat troops and are capable of detecting a soldier or vehicle two or three miles away in complete darkness. The tactical value of the unit is that it can be carried, set up on its tripod, and operated by one soldier. It can be used to survey wide sectors or held steady on a road or path. According to its designer the set will “ detect a moving man at ranges from 15 feet to over two miles, and a moving quarter-ton vehicle at ranges from 150 feet to three miles.” Counterfeit1 Drugs Bring U.S. Warning The Food and Drug Administration reported recently that drug counter feiting might be increasing. The agency’s commissioner, George P. Larrick, said “ this reprehensible prac tice poses a serious threat to the public health in that it could undermine the fundamental control over the safety and efficacy of drugs.” The agency de scribes counterfeit drugs as medicines that are manufactured for the sole purpose of being passed off to patients as the product of another prescription manufacturer. The agency said in a statement that drug counterfeiting has been practiced for some years, but “ a survey now nearing completion indi cates that it may be on the increase.” “ Counterfeiters do not usually attempt to duplicate packages or labeling. Counterfeit drugs are frequently de livered in paper or pliofilm bags or other unlabeled containers, usually readily distinguishable from the au thentic wholesale packages.” French Plan Fancy New Jail What the French call the world’s most modem prison— complete with a swimming pool and a hotel for visitors — will soon be built in Muret in the Province of Toulouse. The 150,000,000 franc ($30,000,000) struc ture, on 24.7 acres, will have a movie theatre, athletic field, gymnasium, television room, and chapel.
A New Look for The Clergy A member of the Canadian Board of Broadcast Governors and a former president of the Canadian Council of Churches told a biennial meeting of the council meeting recently in Catharines, Ontario, that ministers should learn show business techniques to get their message across on televi sion. The Rev. Emyln Davies, Baptist minister, Toronto, also advised his colleagues to stop using the air waves for denominational competi tion. “Television demands the ut most in sincerity,” Dr. Davies said. “ The Church can no longer fool anyone. It must get rid of things which have been regarded as fakes.” His chief target was “ sanctimonious piety in appearance, dress, a n d voice.” “If it is true that we have in our hands the secret to save the world from nuclear destruction,” he said, “ it is the most exciting thing in the world. But listening to the radio, one gets no impression of urgency. We give the impression that we are kill-joys, dull, irrelevant and almost anachronistic.” Clergymen Hail Internship Plan Faculty members and participating clergymen agree that a new intern ship program for future Protestant ministers has proved successful. The internship takes place in selected churches throughout the country in the third year of the four years of graduate study for the divinity degree at the University of Chicago. The in ternship program began in 1956. Clergymen from fourteen churches in nine states joined with the faculty a n d other invited theologians to evaluate the program at a meeting held recently in Chicago. “ The pro gram has been a success for the uni versity, the students, a n d t h e churches,” declared Rev. Dr. Jerald C. Brauer, dean of the Divinity School. He said the program had caught the imagination of t h e churches “ as to what they can do to contribute more than money toward the preparation of men for the min istry.” In nine states, fifty churches, representing n i n e denominations, have participated in the program. The program requires a year of in- service training. However, this system is not new. Lutherans have been do ing this for a quarter of a century. To guarantee that the student does not become just a “ chore boy” dur
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Courses by Louis T. Talbot, D.D., LL.D. "Christ in the Tabernacle" ................... $ 6.00 "God's Plan of the Ages" ....................... 4.50 "The Book of Revelation" ..................... 6.00 "Prophecies of Daniel" .......................... 6.00 "The Book of Ephesians" ..................... 5.00 "Studies in Romans" .............................. 5.00 "The Cults" 6 units .........— .................. 6.00 Courses by Gerald B. Stanton, TH.D. "Christian Foundations" ......................... 4.50 "Great Words of the Gospel" — ........... :.. 3.00 Evangelical Teacher Training Course 6 Units, Preliminary Certificate Course .... 15.00 6 Units, (plus 6 units Preliminary Course) Advance Certificate Course ............. 15.00 6.00 "Practical Bible Training" ..................... 2.00 "Studies For New Christians" .................. 1.00 "Studies In the Gospels" .................... 6.00 "The Book Of A cts" .....________ 3.00 "Biblical Geography" ............................ 3.00 "Child Evangelism" 5.00 Write For Brochure of courses offered. "Fundamental Doctrines" ....... Course by Charles L. Feinberg, TH.D. "Prophetic Events in the Light of the Minor\ Prophets" __ ..._1____ ..._ 16.00 5 Units ($3.50 per unit)
Bible Institute of L.A., Inc. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 558 K-3 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.
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