King's Business - 1961-06

B I B L E Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R E D By Dr. W. L. Pettingill Author's greatest book. Thousands in use. Scripture answers to hundreds of questions. 559 pages, only $4. 00 from your bookstore or m n H H W i —

by Paul Bayles, Pastor, Christ Community Church Canoga Park, Calif.

the Christian home

Few people realize that a full-fledged missionary- work is NEEDED , or is GOING ON in Belgium. W ILL YOU PRAY W ITH US FOR THE FOLLOWING? 60 Preaching Centers, Radio Ministry, 53 Pastors, Evangelists, Staff, Families, French and Flemish Bible Institutes, Evening School Classes, Corres­ pondence School, Open Air Meetings, Trailer Churches, Colportage Ministry, Child Evangelism, Public School “ Release Time” Classes, Literature Publication and Distribution, Administration, Book­ shop, Deputation, Summer Camps, Sunday Schools and Work Among Displaced People and Jews. THE BELGIAN GOSPEL M ISSION La Mission Evangelique Beige SCIENCE A N D THE BIBLE (Cont.) recent conference on “ Origins and Christian Thought” sponsored by sev­ eral departments of Wheaton College, when a professor of the Bible Depart­ ment of the same college protested the anti-Bible nature of the confer­ ence, he was rebuked by one of the conference speakers who said that his position was the most dangerous one of all, and further that the speaker felt sorry for any person who came under the influence of his teaching. To become a member of the A.S.A. it is necessary to sign a statement of faith which would seem to make im­ possible the thing which has hap­ pened. That it has happened proves only that signing a statement of faith is in itself not enough. Not long ago at a meeting of the A.S.A. a science teacher who is on the faculty of an­ other Christian college got into a dis­ cussion on the evidences for the exist­ ence of God. When the subject of miracles was brought up he hedged until he was asked outright, “You do believe in miracles, don’t you?” He refused to answer, and the chairman closed the meeting. The president of the college he represents once said that the school would always be sound because the faculty is required to sign the statement of faith each year. The writings of these men have a wider circulation than the Journal of the A.S.A. and their influence in the classroom is still greater. Furthermore one can surmise the effect the position of the A.S.A. will have on those sci­ ence teachers who lose no opportunity at deriding the Bible and Christian faith in the classes they teach and in the books they write. Note: For a review of the A.S.A. book, Evolution and Christian Thought Today, see The King’s Business, May, 1960. 34 John S. Kimber, Local Representative OWen 7-3748; 1907 N. Cypress St., La Habra, Calif.

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T h a t “ c e r t a in something” t ha t makes the atmosphere of a wed­ ding beautiful and exciting to all is partially the fact that the principle persons involved are masculine and feminine! The bride and her attend­ ants are dressed in a manner as to enhance the daintiness and femininity of each. The gowns, colors, flowers, and candles all contribute to this proper display. The groom and his attendants appear straight and tall, dressed in dark suits, with shoulders squared to the world, and expressions determined and strong. Even though these masculine and feminine quali­ ties are somewhat illusionary, they are part of that which makes a wed­ ding beautiful. The Bible says, “In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him,; male and female created He them; and blessed them.” Evidently, God felt that the masculine and feminine roles of His human crea­ tures were an expression of His own image. He projected these qualities on us, and He blesses what He has done. The differences between man and woman are so unique and important that neither is complete without the other. An ancient rabbinical saying is that “Man is restless while he misses his rib that was taken out of his side; and the woman is restless until she gets u n d e r the man’s arm, from whence she was taken.” Being masculine or feminine in­ volves the total picture of life. Sexual differences are not merely physiologi­ cal but include the entire personality and outlook upon life. Men and wom­ en think differently; they pray differ­ ently; they love differently; they ex- jperience pain and pleasure differently; they even express Christian faith dif­ ferently. The very fact that this is true, allows a variety of ways of thinking, loving, praying, and trust­ ing. This is the reason that the very best happens when husbands and wives will think, love, pray, and trust together. Two different outlooks are blended into one. When femininity and masculinity are accepted and al­ lowed expression, there is no competi­ tion between husbands and wives but

rather a companionship that provides a third dimension. It involves seeing, hearing, feeling, speaking, experienc- A PRAYER FOR YOUR HOME God bless this house and all within it; Let no harsh spirit enter in it. Let none approach who would betray; None with a bitter word to say. Shield it from harm and sor­ row's sting; Here let the children's laugh­ ter ring. Grant that these friends from year to year Shall build their happiest me­ mories here. God bless this home and those who love it; Fair be the skies which bend above it. May never anger's thoughtless word Within these sheltering walls be heard. May all who rest beside this fire And then depart, glad thoughts inspire; And make them feel who close the door, Friendship has graced their home once more. God bless this house and those who keep it; In the sweet oils of gladness steep it. Endow these walls with lasting wealth, The light of love, the glow of health, The palm of peace, the charm of mirth, Good friends to sit around the hearth; And with each nightfall per­ fect rest— Here let them live their happiest. ing through another person. This does not mean the annihilation nor sacri­ ficing of the individual nature, but THE KING 'S BUSINESS

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