King's Business - 1917-06


TA B L E O F CONTENTS E d ito ria l: W ill T h is Be th e L ast W a r ?— C lean Mission W o rk e rs— W ho Is R e sp o n sib le ?— Be Y e C lean T h a t B ear th e V essels of th e L o rd— Is th e D ram a M orally C o rru p t an d C o rru p tin g ?— C h ristian C o n d u c t in T im e of W a r—-D em oralization o f E v ang elization— E ng land C alled to Serious T h o u g h t......................................................... 483 T h e R iv e rs of C h in a............................................................................... 489 In th e T renches. By Mrs. E d ith F o x N o rto n ............................... 491 P ra y e r an d Pow er. (P o em ). By W illiam O Iney .................... 494 C hristian Love. By R ev. H ugh L a tim e r....................................... 495 In M em oriam . E. A . K. H a c k e tt.................................................... 500 M o d e rn M iracle. By R ev. C. E. P a x so n ....................................... 501 Am o n g th e L um b e r C am ps. By Rev. H . I. C h a tte rto n .......... 506 T h e E b en e z e r Mission. By A . M. R ow ........ ................................ 507 D e a th of W illiam T h o rn ...................................................................... 509 A silom a r C on ference ............................................................................ 5 10 T h e F a r H o rizo n ................................ 1....... ........... 1............... ............... 5 1 1 Puzzling P assages an d P ro b lem s..................................... :............. 5 14 Evangelistic D ep a rtm en t. By B ible In stitu te W o rk e rs............ 516 H om iletical H elp s. By W illiam E v an s............. ........................... 525 B ible In stitu te R esu lts............................ ........... ................................... 529 T h e Tw o G oats. By R ev. C. H . L eg g e tt....................................... 531 T h ro u g h th e B ible w ith D r. E v an s................................................. . 535 In te rn a tio n a l S und ay School Lessons. By R. A . T o rre y an d T. C. H o rto n ............................................................ ...................... 541 D aily D evo tion al S tud ies in th e New T e stam en t fo r In d iv id ­ ual M ed ita tio n a n d Fam ily W orship. By R. A . T o rre y 555

SUBSCRIPTION PR ICE the U nited States* a n d its Possessions a n d M exico, a n d p o in ts in C e n tra l A m e ric an P o stal U nion, $ 1 p e r y e a r. In all o th e r foreign countries, $1 .2 4 (5 s. 2 d .). Single copies, 10 cents. R eceipts sen t o n req u est. See d ate on a d d ress tag. “ Sept. 17“ m eans E xpires S ept. 1917, etc.




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