National Scholars Annual Report 2023-24

New Scholar Retreat & Welcome Back Dinner (August 2023) Our new and returning Scholars began building mentoring connections at a New Scholar Retreat held just after their arrival on campus to start the new academic year. Family Weekend Tailgate (September 2023) Students, families, alumni, faculty, and staff gathered to celebrate more than $55,700 in annual contributions to the NSP Excellence Fund. This year's Natty Cup winners were: 2021 (current students), 2013 (alumni cohort), and 2022 (parent cohort). NSP Weekend (February 2024) We welcomed more than two dozen high school students from across the country to interview for the NSP and learn more about opportunities available to them through the Honors College and Clemson University. Alumni, parents, and current students enthusiastically welcomed them to campus and shared their experiences with the NSP. After this event the 2024 cohort was selected, consisting of 11 Scholars representing 7 states, as well as a student from Brazil. Senior Mentor Dinner (April 2024) Each year, our senior cohort celebrates their time at Clemson by recognizing a mentor who has been pivotal in their undergraduate experience. These mentors – classroom instructors, research mentors, internship supervisors – receive the National Scholars Program Award of Distinction in recognition of their contributions to our students' academic, personal, and professional development. Senior Send-Off (April 2024) Scholars and program staff gathered for a final celebration of our 2020 Scholar cohort, complete with our traditional Senior Superlative "paper plate" awards. NSP Scholar Recognition (April and May 2024) Elizabeth Caldwell was recognized as the University’s fourth Truman Scholar since 2017. Helena Harte received the Norris Medal, the highest honor for a student at Clemson University. Christian Blackburn was one of two recipients of the University's Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award, given in recognition of the recipient's influence for good, excellence in maintaining high ideals and of living and service before self. Christian also received a Fulbright Scholarship in the Czech Republic. This year included welcoming new scholars and program staff, opportunities for growth and engagement, and celebrating the contributions and achievements of our graduating Scholars while welcoming our new cohort to campus.


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