National Scholars Annual Report 2023-24

Looking Forward

Enhancing Experiential Learning Opportunities We will develop a new first-year study-travel experience that will include a spring preparatory course and trip lead by a rotating group of Clemson faculty accompanied by a six-week summer international internship curated for each individual scholar’s field of study and future career and professional goals. As we increase the number of NSP Faculty Fellows, we will also further develop their roles to include travel with the first-year cohort, support for each cohort’s services projects, and collaboration on workshops and other programs for National Scholars. Increasing Engagement With Faculty In addition to expanding the role of faculty fellows within the program, we also plan to expand their number. By 2026, we will have four faculty fellows for each of our cohorts to serve as mentors, lead programming, and support National Scholars through their time at Clemson. We will also engage new faculty from a variety of disciplines at Clemson to lead our summer study travel-trips. Their expertise will allow us to travel with National Scholars to new places, explore and expand our global reach. We Need You! If you have an internship opportunity, want to serve as a resource, or simply reconnect with the National Scholars Program, email We'd love to hear from you! This coming year will be focused on enhancing the National Scholars Program’s experiential learning opportunities and increasing engagement with faculty.


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