16A — April 13 - April 26, 2012 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
www.marejournal.com M ID A TLANTIC R EAL E STATE J OURNAL Jim Keitt and Matt Esham join company WillowConstructionmarks one year anniversary M IDDLETOWN, DE —WillowConstruc- tion celebrated its
The Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal will be celebrating our 10 Year Anniversary!
The Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal is celebrating ten years in print! We know that the success of our business today has been built upon our valuable relationship with YOU – and we’d like to thank our loyal advertisers and readers with a special anniversary issue in May. This issue will highlight the top headlines and projects from the past decade. If 2012 marks an anniversary for your company contact Michael Campisi: mcampisi@marejournal.com or call 800-584-1062 x 208 to find out how to participate in this feature. Ten years is just the beginning. We’re looking forward to tomorrow. Deadline: April 27, 2012 Issue Date: May 11, 2012
one year Anniversary of its Middletown, Delaware office on February 14, 2012. The Middletown office was awarded several projects dur- ing its first year, they in- clude: • Tenant Fit-out for Florida Rock Properties to house the operations of Bell Nurseries in Newark, Delaware • Renovations to Grossley Hall on the campus of Dela-
Years of Coverage!
Hardee’s Restaurant located in Sunset Station in Bear, Delaware
ware State University •NewHardees Restaurant located in Sunset Station in Bear, Delaware • Renovations and Addi- tions to Monsanto’s Research and Development Facility in Galena, MD Founded in 1973, Willow Construction has grown to be one of the most respected commercial, industrial and residential builders on the Delmarva Peninsula. The company is headquartered in Easton, MD, has a Sussex County office in Georgetown, DE, a New Castle County office in Middletown, DE and is opening an office in Pocomoke City, MD in April 2012. In other news, Willow Con- struction announced the ad-
Proudly Presents:
The 6th Annual Meadowlands Conference Thursday, May 17, 2012 Teaneck Marriott at GlenPointe Teaneck, NJ 07666
dition of Jim Ke i t t and Matt Esham at the com- pany’s new Po c omo k e City office. Ke i t t and Esham join Willow after spending 33 years and 1 4 y e a r s , respective- ly, at Mervin L. Blades & Son, Inc. Keitt and Esham will be responsi-
Continuing Education Credit: 7 CE Hours Appraisal Institute
7 CE Hours State of New Jersey pending) 7 CE Hours State of New York pending) Tax Assessor pending) Sponsorship and exhibit space still available
Jim Keitt
$175 Members, 185 Non-Members For Registration after May 3, 2012: $200 Members, $210 Non-Members
Matt Esham
ble for projects on the Lower Shore of Maryland and the Eastern Shore of Virginia. They both have extensive ex- perience with Design/Build and Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings. ■
For complete details, visit our conference webpage at http://www.nnjchapter-ai.org
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