
34A — April 13 - 26, 2012 — New Jersey — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


Industrial Commercial Real Estate Women, Inc.


or the second year in a row, the pictur- esque Fiddler’s El- Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club in Bedminster, NJ ICREWNJ’s 11 TH Annual Golf Classic to be held May 2 nd F


PRESIDENT Cheryl Hardt cheryl.hardt@cbre.com PRESIDENT ELECT AND CREW NETWORK DELEGATE Patricia A. Riedel patricia.riedel@cbre.com TREASURER Sefi Silverstein ssilverstein@wgcpas.com RECORDING SECRETARY Rachel M. Brindisi rbrindisi@naiglobal.com DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Mary Lynn Kearns mkearns@dancker.com CO-DIRECTOR, PROGRAMING

from this year ’s event will benefit the Linda E. Cardinale MS Center at CentraState Medi- cal Center, the most comprehensive multiple sclerosis center in New Jersey.” Reg i s t r a t i ons a r e available for 18 holes of golf ($350 per person), 9 holes of golf ($275 per person), golf clinic ($200 per person), and reception only ($100 per person). Registrations for 18 holes, 9 holes and the golf clinic include lunch and the reception. Sponsorships are also available. The day’s events will kick off at 10 am with registration for 18 hole players, with the 18- hole tee-off at 11:30 am. Registration for the 9 hole players and the golf clinic will begin at 11:30

am with tee-off at 1 pm. A buffet lunch will be served from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm, and the recep- tion, raffle and awards program will begin at 5:00 pm and conclude at 7:30 pm. Prizes will be awarded in several categories, in- cluding best team scores for both 18 and 9 holes and best singles scores for both 18 and 9 hole players. The event will also include a 50/50 raf- fle, silent auction, and a “tricky tray” drawing, all to benefit the Linda E. Cardinale MS Center. “ICREW NJ is fully committed to philan- thropic efforts such as this, and we are pleased to be able to help the MS Center,” said Hardt. “And as always, this will also be a fun event for all who participate.” ■

bow Coun- try Club in B e dm i n - s t e r, NJ wi l l pro - v i d e t h e setting for theAnnual

Cheryl Hardt

ICREW NJ Golf Classic & Reception. Scheduled for Wednesday, May 2, 2012, this year marks the 11th anniversary of the networking and phil- anthropic event. “The power of this orga- nization lies in its topical programming, network- ing and philanthropy,” said Cheryl Hardt of CBRE and current presi- dent of ICREW NJ, the New Jersey Chapter of CREWNetwork. “We are proud to announce that a portion of the proceeds

Monica Ceres, Esq. mceres@ghclaw.com CO-DIRECTOR, PROGRAMING Susan Karp skarp@coleschotz.com CO-DIRECTOR, SPONSORSHIP Patricia D. Faulkner pfaulkner@naiglobal.com CO-DIRECTOR, SPONSORSHIP Diane Menard diane2@prestigetitle.net DIRECTOR,SPECIAL PROJECTS/GOLF Robin S. Grossman rgros30687@aol.com DIRECTOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS/PR Rebecca Machinga, CPA rmachinga@withum.com ADVISOR & CREW NETWORK DELEGATE Sheila Spriggs Nall snall@kssarchitects.com ADVISOR Silvana Finizio sfinizio@carouselindustries.com

About ICREW NJ ICREW NJ is the New Jersey chapter of the national organization of CREW Network. With over 74 chapters and 8,000 members in North America, CREW Network is the industry’s premier business networking organization dedicated to supporting the achievements of women in commercial real estate. Members represent fields as diversified as accountants, architects, appraisers, asset/property managers, attorneys, consultants, developers, lenders, leasing and sales brokers, mortgage bankers/brokers, marketing specialists, market and investment analysts, corporate real estate representatives and title/escrow officers. For more information on programming, sponsorship or membership, please contact ICREW NJ at (609) 585-6871, via email icrewnj@crewnetwork.org or visit their website at www.icrewnj.org.

ADVISOR & BYLAWS Annette Murray, CPA amurray@wgcpas.com

For more information on golf sponsorship and registration for the event, call (609) 585-6871 or visit www.icrewnj.org.

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