
4B — April 13 - 26, 2012 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal




NAI CIR negotiates leases totaling 16,511 s/f Alderman of NAI CIR leases 5,886 s/f of warehouse space



OUTH MIDDLETON TWP. — NAI CIR an- nounced the following

lease trans- actions: Al t amar Enterprises, Inc., a ser- v i c e - d i s - ab l ed ve t - eran-owned e l e c t r i c a l contracting


Dan Alderman


business, has leased 5,886 s/f of warehouse space at 1745 Trindle Rd., SouthMiddleton Twp. Altamar specializes in commercial and residential construction, trouble-shoot- ing and repair work.Daniel J. Alderman of NAI CIR rep- resented both the landlord, Spicher and Co., andAltamar in the lease transaction. The law firm of Nestico & Druby PC has leased 3,404 s/f of office space at 1135 E. Chocolate Ave., Derry Twp. Mark A. Santanna of NAI CIR represented the land- lord, Patel Properties, in the transaction.

1745 Trindle Road

LLC has leased 2,611 s/f of of- fice space at 4 Lemoyne Dr., Lemoyne. James D. Ross represented the landlord, 4 Lemoyne Drive Associates, LLC, and Tom Posavec and Roy Brenner, both of Land- mark, represented Adam Technology. World Martial Arts, LLC will open a martial arts studio in 2,100 s/f of space it has leased in the strip cen- ter at 470 Eisenhower Dr., Hanover. Nathan Kranz and Nikolas Sgagias of NAI CIR represented the landlord,

Armando Malvone, in the transaction. AZTAC, a consulting firm, is relocating into 1,760 s/f of space at 160 S. ProgressAve., Susquehanna Twp. Daniel J. Alderman of NAI CIR han- dled the transaction. Glah Medical Group has leased 750 s/f of office space at 3507 Market St., Hampden Twp. Ida Mc- Murray of NAI CIR repre- sented both Glah and the landlord, NTB Properties, in the transaction. ■

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