Velocity Program


Augustin Lehner*

Zoe Lucich

Riley McMurray* Generously underwritten by Shawn Stephens and Jim Jordan

Alejandro Molina León

Saul Newport* Generously underwritten by Sasha Davis

Birthplace Marin County, California Generously underwritten by Victoria Gutierrez and Nick Pierce

Birthplace Ľubotín, Slovakia

Birthplace Chicago, Illinois

Birthplace Barcelona, Spain

Birthplace London, England

Jaclyn Oakley

Rodrigo Pinto

Samuel Rodriguez Brittany Stone

Song Teng*

Generously underwritten by Syma and Walter Zerkow

Birthplace Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Birthplace Porto, Portugal

Birthplace Atlanta, Georgia

Birthplace East Hartford, Connecticut

Birthplace Hunan, China

Sayako Toku

Allison Whitley*

Ryan Williams* Generously underwritten by Kevin S. Potter

Generously underwritten by Marianne and Joe Geagea

Birthplace Hyogo, Japan

Birthplace Norfolk, Virginia

Birthplace Phoenix, Arizona


Eli Go*

Remie Goins*

Kaito Matsuoka*

Birthplace San Diego, California Saela Rivera-Martinez*

Generously underwritten by Dr. Liliana Soltero

Birthplace Houston, TX

Birthplace Atlanta, Georgia

Birthplace Ehime, Japan

* denotes dancers who have trained in the Houston Ballet Academy



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