J-LSMS 2017 | Annual Archive


James Diaz, MD, Dr. P.H.; Alan David Kaye, MD, PhD

Sinceits introductionin1986,propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol), an intravenous sedative-hypnotic agent, has been utilized for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia and conscious sedation in over 80% of cases; largely replacing thiopental (sodiumpentothal) over a decade ago. Unrestricted as a controlled substance, propofol’s abuse potential emerged quickly and was highlighted by the death of pop singer, Michael Jackson, in 2009. In order to assess the epidemiological features of fatal propofol abuse, a descriptiveanalysis of the scientific literaturewas conducted using Internet search engines. Well-documented cases of fatal propofol abuse were stratified as unintentional or accidental deaths and as intentional deaths by suicides or homicides. Continuous variableswere compared for differences by unpaired, two-tailed t-tests with statistical significance indicated by p-values less than 0.05. Of 21 fatal cases of propofol abuse, 18 (86%) occurred in healthcare workers, mostly anesthesiologists and nurse anesthetists (n=14, 67%). One case occurred in a layman who purchased propofol on the Internet. Seventeen deaths (81%) were accidental; two were suicides (9.5%) and twowere homicides (9.5%). Blood levels in intentional death caseswere significantly greater than in accidental death cases (p < 0.0001); all of which reflected initial therapeutic induction-level doses in the ranges of 2.0-2.5mg/kg.Though lacking inanalgesic effects, the abuseof propofol byyounghealthcareprofessionals, particularlyoperating roomworkers, has been significant; and likely underreported. Propofol is a dangerous drug with an evident abuse potential which often results in fatalities.

J La State Med Soc VOL 169 MARCH/APRIL 2017 29

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