Celebrating Our Super Heroes

NOMINATIONS NOWOPEN! On the first day of 2018, we opened nominations for the fourth annual Law Enforcement and Community Recognition Program. There are 11 diverse categories related to MADD’s mission for law enforcement and the community as well as special recogni- tion for DUI arrests. All nominees will receive a special-edition, commemorative challenge coin shown below. On May 19, 2018, we will honor all our community’s nominated and recognized Super Heroes at home plate on our very own Major League Baseball Field at JetBlue Park at Fenway South. The event is open to the community and will be family-friendly with food and fun on the field. Since 2015, MADD SWFL has recognized our community’s heroes in law enforcement, the state attorney’s office, schools, nonprof- its and companies for their dedication to safer roads as well as prevention efforts for underage drinking.

For more information, please visit

In This Issue

 Volunteer Value

 Tribute Event

 2017 Events Calendar

 2017 By The Numbers

Shown are the special edition, commemorative challenge coins given to each nominee

WORKING TOGETHER As a nonprofit organization, MADD understands the power and importance of volunteers and working together as a community to provide education and awareness about the danger of substance-impaired driving and un- derage drinking and to support those in our community who have been affected by a crash. Volunteers have stood and continue to stand with us every step of the way towards a future of No More Victims.

How Do We Measure a Volunteers Value?

According to the Independent Sector, in 2017, the value of a volunteer hour is $24.14—up 2.5 percent from the previous year. Currently, over 63 million Americans volunteer about 8 billion hours of their time, talent and effort to improve people’s lives and the natural world. That’s a contri- bution of $193 billion to our country.

What Does MADD SWFL Volunteers Contribute?

At MADD SWFL, we have approximately 128 volunteers who volunteer their time, talent and efforts for Victim Impact Panels, Walk Like MADD, Victim Services as well as in the office and at various community events. Below is an infographic of the total number of hours and the dollar value of our volunteers for 2017.

I want to be like a sunflower so that even on the darkest days I will stand tall and find the sunlight

Photos and Candles Await Loved Ones at the Heitman House

MADD SWFL is the only organization in our community that focuses on victims and survivors of this 100% preventable crime.

A MADD SWFL Tribute: You’ll Always Have A Place

On December 12, 2018, we held the second annual Tribute event to honor victims, survivors, their families and friends, law enforcement, first responders and many others in our community who have been tragically affected by drunk, drugged and substance-impaired driv- ing. Over 60 people gathered at the beautiful and serene Heitman House in Downtown Fort Myers to remember, laugh, cry and reminisce about their loved ones. During the reception, a jazz duo played, and the program featured speeches from Attorney Carmen Dellutri, Ser- geant Tim Cornelius, Pastor Bridley and our Program Specialist, Lau- ren Harkins Because of a generous donation, Build-A-Bear teddy bears were available to those who needed comfort. As a gift, we gave each per- son a sunflower sprout to nourish and nurture into a flower.

Many thanks to our Presenting Sponsor: Victory Layne Chevrolet, our food sponsor: Mr. John Patat and the Heitman House,

MADD SWFL: Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry and Glades


1 Law Enforcement and Community Recognition Event

31 Law enforcement officers provided MADD- sponsored training

176 Officers supported at sobriety checkpoints & wolfpacks


January: Nominations Open—Fourth Annual Recognition Program

April: Walk Like MADD & Movie Night in Naples

265 Law enforcement/ community recognition nominations

April: PowerTalk 21—Parents Start the Conversation

May: Local LEO Super Hero Celebration and Family Day

August: State Law Enforcement Recognition Event

September: Walk Like MADD SWFL

570 Walk Like MADD & 5K DASH attendees

October: Power of You(th) Blitz

November: Tie One On For Safety Launch

December: A Tribute Event

1,253 Tie One On For Safety Ribbons Displayed

Every Month: Grief Groups, Prevention Presentations, Victim Impact Panels in Lee, Collier and Charlotte counties, MADD Advisory Board Meetings & Volunteer Orienta-

1,423 Offenders educated

Contact Us Give us a call for more information about our services and programs— all free to the SWFL community.

sponsor >

3,007 Speakers Bureau at- tendees

MADD SWFL 13130 Westlinks Terrace Suite 8 Fort Myers, FL 33913 (239)791-7560

8,601 Parents & youth educat- ed

Visit us on the web at

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MADD SWFL #NoMoreVictims

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