WORKING TOGETHER As a nonprofit organization, MADD understands the power and importance of volunteers and working together as a community to provide education and awareness about the danger of substance-impaired driving and un- derage drinking and to support those in our community who have been affected by a crash. Volunteers have stood and continue to stand with us every step of the way towards a future of No More Victims.
How Do We Measure a Volunteers Value?
According to the Independent Sector, in 2017, the value of a volunteer hour is $24.14—up 2.5 percent from the previous year. Currently, over 63 million Americans volunteer about 8 billion hours of their time, talent and effort to improve people’s lives and the natural world. That’s a contri- bution of $193 billion to our country.
What Does MADD SWFL Volunteers Contribute?
At MADD SWFL, we have approximately 128 volunteers who volunteer their time, talent and efforts for Victim Impact Panels, Walk Like MADD, Victim Services as well as in the office and at various community events. Below is an infographic of the total number of hours and the dollar value of our volunteers for 2017.
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