Gloomhaven RuleBook

Other Scenario Gameplay

What is the exact order of my choices at the beginning of a scenario in terms of battle goals, ability cards, and equipped items? The first thing you should do when starting a scenario (after going through a Road Event when applicable), is look in the scenario book to get the map tiles set up, all the monsters you will be fighting prepared, and apply any negative scenario effects. Next, you should deal battle goals and choose one. After choosing your battle goals, then you can decided which items you would like to equip from the ones you own (adding in -1 cards to you attack modifier deck when applicable) and which ability cards you would like to start with from the pool of those you have available to you. If I am forced to discard cards because of an event, when does that happen? Even though events happen before setting up the scenario, you should wait until you've selected your hand of cards to decide which ones to discard.

Does consuming items during a road event make them unavailable during the scenario? Yes.

If I have a perk that lets me ignore scenario effects, can I ignore the negative effects of event cards? No. You can only ignore the specific effects outlined in scenarios as scenario effects. These will be listed in the special rules of a scenario and have the format of "Do such and such as a scenario effect ." What damaging effects are modified by attack modifier cards? Only attacks (specified by the "Attack" keyword) are modified by attack modifier cards. Traps, hazardous terrain, retaliate, wound, and any "suffer X damage" text do not cause attack modifier cards to be drawn. Are the same differentiations used when mitigating "damage from an attack" versus a "source of damage?" Yes, when something reduces damage from an attack (namely, Shield) , it is specifically referring to a figure making an "Attack" and flipping over an attack modifier card. If you are reducing or negating a "source of damage," that can be anything: attacks, traps, hazardous terrain, retaliate, wound, suffering damage from choosing a different card to lose when short resting, or any other "suffer X damage" text. Can you explain the difference between an unoccupied hex and an empty hex? An unoccupied hex has no figures (monsters, characters or character summons) present. An empty hex has no figures, tokens (money or otherwise), or overlay tiles of any kind (except corridors, open doors, and pressure plates) present.

Can I or one of my allies spring a trap that I lay? Can monsters spring their own traps? Yes, traps have no memory once you place them. They become hazards for everyone.

If I lay a trap on an open door, and then the door closes because of a scenario rule, what happens to


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