PREVIEW Online Youth Mental Health Champion workbook


Lesson 1: What is mental health? Lesson 2: What is in your Stress Container? Lesson 3: Mental health myths Lesson 4: Listening and helpful talking Lesson 5: Finding mental health information and help Lesson 6: Steps to wellbeing

19 27 28 31 34 36

Ground rules example sheet – Be responsible for your own learning. – Respect others’ opinions, accept that views and experiences will differ. – Only one person speaking at a time. – You have the right to pass. Share only what you feel comfortable sharing with the group. This is not a competition – it’s OK to keep things to yourself. – Listen to who is speaking. – Talk about yourself and let other people talk for themselves. Observe confidentiality and don’t share anything you know about another person. – Be thoughtful, considerate and non-judgemental at all times. Additional rules may be added, or existing ones adapted to ensure the groups achieve ownership of the ground rules. It is advisable to revisit the ground rules at the start of every lesson to enable pupils to feel safe and therefore able to contribute to discussions and activities and gain more from the sessions.


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