PREVIEW Online Youth Mental Health Champion workbook

Lesson 1: What is mental health? cont.

When the groups have created their character, they then introduce them to the rest of the class. The teacher promotes discussion around what moves people from one quadrant to another, highlighting that for everyone mental and emotional wellbeing is not static but subject to move through various circumstances. The following definition is one of many: “Mental health influences how we think and feel about ourselves and others and how we interpret events.” “It affects our capacity to learn, to communicate and to form, sustain and end relationships. It also influences our ability to cope with change, transition and life events, having a baby, moving house, experiencing bereavement.” (Dr Lynn Friedli, 2004) Discussion There are some key messages that need highlighting for the group, including the following: – There are no absolutes when it comes to mental health.

– Everyone has mental and emotional health. – Recovery is not only possible; it is likely. – Just because a person has a mental health condition, this does not mean that they are unable to enjoy positive mental wellbeing. – People without a diagnosis may in fact have very poor mental health – they have perhaps not yet admitted to themselves or others that they have a problem. – Stigma, discrimination, and being judged prevent people from seeking the help they need with mental health issues. – Early intervention promotes quicker recovery. This session provides the group with a safe opportunity to discuss issues around mental health and mental illness, carefully guided by the teacher. Pupils are encouraged to explore what impacts upon individuals and explore how we are all different with levels of resilience and vulnerability.

No diagnosis



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