PREVIEW Online Youth Mental Health Champion workbook

Lesson 6: Steps to wellbeing

Starting the session Ground rules should be emphasised as with all previous sessions. This session highlights the importance of self-care and all the steps we can take ourselves to improve our own wellbeing. Explain that sometimes this can be preventive – if we are well and we practise these activities we can protect our mental health – but it can also be an important part of recovery, even if we are getting other interventions or support for our mental health. Introduction The aim of this session is to highlight what pupils need in order to be content and to have positive mental health. There is evidence to suggest that our society has become very materialistic and that many people think that in order to thrive, we need all sorts of goods. However, research by the New Economics Foundation (2008) revealed quite the opposite and challenges this viewpoint in its 5 Ways to Wellbeing. This idea has been further developed by Action for Happiness in the 10 Keys to Happier Living, which propose practical ways in which we can all promote our own wellbeing. Pupils will be encouraged to consider them, their importance, and how they achieve them each day. The aim of this final session is also to enable pupils to feel they can cope, after reflecting on the subject of mental health and the difficult emotions this can sometimes evoke. Resources – Access to the internet: www. happier-living – 5 Ways to Wellbeing activity page – Blank pages to research the 10 Keys to Happier Living

Aims – To encourage pupils to consider what we need to stay mentally and emotionally well – To challenge some of the stereotypical views from the media that we need materialistic goods – To think about applying wellbeing strategies Method The teacher encourages the class to think about and discuss what they need to stay well mentally and emotionally. Pupils are asked to write down some ideas and share with the rest of the class. The teacher facilitates feedback and then introduces the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and the 10 Keys to Happier Living. Pupils are provided with the 5 Ways to Wellbeing activity page and given the link to the Action for Happiness website. Pupils are asked to research the 10 Keys to Happier Living, and then reflect on how they would achieve them and the 5 Ways to Wellbeing as individuals. This will in turn highlight that each step can mean different things to different people. For example, we all have preferences for how to be active and exercise. There is no right or wrong way to care for our mental wellbeing.


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