King's Business - 1970-01

what in the world is...

T h e c h u r c h b u l l e t i n reads, “Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.” Every Sunday there are millions of people all over the world attending such a service who might have difficulty explaining what worship actually is. “Why did you attend the wor­ ship service?” a parishioner was asked as he emerged from the sanctuary. “ To worship, of course,” was his indignant reply. But did he really worship? Some folks would have to admit that they used the time for solving business problems, plan­ ning household schedules, or just building castles in the air. One man told me that he found it a good time to think constructively. Some of those things may be good; others are o f dubious value; but none of them is worship, and all o f them can be accomplished more efficiently somewhere other than in a worship service. Maybe if we understood the meaning of wor­ ship, we could practice it more acceptably. The word worship is derived from the old English worthship. It is basically a matter of recognizing God’s worth and rendering to Him appropriate

honor. The only way we can find out about God’s worth is from God Himself. He reveals Himself to us in different ways, the greatest of which is through His infallible Word, but nevertheless, all true worship must begin with His self-revelation. When God makes Himself known, and we respond as we should, that response is worship. What should be involved in our response, how­ ever? How is worship to be expressed? There are about 15 words translated “worship” in the Bible, but the major ones fit into two broad categories which depict the two major elements of worship. The first is an attitude; the second involves action. SUBM ISSION The most common Old Testament word for worship literally means “ to bow down.” Since physical prostration was a sign o f respect or honor, this word was used to convey that idea. The prin­ cipal New Testament word has a similar idea, “ to kiss toward,” probably meaning to kiss the ground



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