King's Business - 1970-01

have produced a present popula­ tion infinitely greater than could be packed into every cubic foot of the entire universe! This fact alone proves that the supposed million-year history of man on the earth is completely absurd, whereas the Biblical chronology is perfectly reasonable. All of this can be proved by simple and straightforward ma thema t i ca l calculations. Even if, by some miracle, the population growth rates we r e slowed down sufficiently to pro­ duce a population o f only the present figure of three billion peo­ ple after one million years of hu­ man life on earth, this would still mean that over 3000 billion in­ dividual people had lived and died during that period o f time. It is therefore passing strange that it is so difficult to find human fos­ sils! It would seem rather that human remains ought to be ex­ tremely abundant everywhere. And this should be even more true o f the pre-human ape-men that were supposedly evolving in­ to men during 60 or 70 million years of prehistory! But all of the latter that have ever been found are a handful of doubtful bits and pieces of widely scattered bone fragments that have been vari­ ously interpreted by various pro­ fessed experts on human evolu­ tion to be various clues to the un­ certain evolutionary chain. The gigantic fraud of evolution is thus not only anti-Biblical and anti-Christian but is utterly un­ scientific and impossible as well. But it has served effectively as the pseudo-scientific basis of athe­ ism, agnosticism, socialism, fas­ cism and numerous other false and dangerous philosophies over the past centuries. For anyone who respects the Bible as the Word of God, there is certainly no reason to reject the historical accuracy o f Adam, confirmed as it was by Christ Himself, in favor o f the self-serving speculations of evolutionary philosophers. Dr. Henry M. Morris is President of Biblical Research Society. 19

common ancestor of apes and men developed about 60 million years ago and that modern man ap­ peared well over a million years ago. Evolutionary anthropologists are currently arguing over the exact line of descent, and it should be realized that there is no real fossil evidence o f the innumer­ able missing links in human evo­ lution, including the hypothetical common ancestor from which man and the apes originally diverged. The study of population statis­ tics indicates that the Biblical chronology is much more realistic than the evolutionary chronology. The human population must have started originally from the first pair, and the question is whether that pair was Noah and his wife 4300 years ago (the time of the worldwide Flood according to the Ussher chronology of the Bible) or the first “ dawnman” and his mate a million years ago. The present rate o f population increase in the world is more than 2% per year, and the population is now over three billion. How­ ever, the average rate would only have to be 1 / 2 % per year to pro­ duce the present world population in 4300 years. To put it another way, an average family size of only 21,4 children per f am i l y would suffice to develop the pres­ ent population in just the length of time since Noah, even with an average life-span of only about 40 years per person. These figures are reasonable, and in fact ex­ tremely conse r va t i ve , showing that the Biblical chronology is quite plausible in every way. On the other hand, this same very conservative rate o f popula­ tion g r ow t h (only one-fourth what it is at present), if con­ tinued for a million years, would

H ow l o n g ago did Adam live, and where does he fit into the theory of human evolution? According to Biblical chronolo­ gy, as found especially in Genesis 5 and 11, Adam was created only a few thousands of years ago and was definitely the first man. Acts 17:26, for example, says that “ God hath made of one (man) all nations of men,” and I Corinthi­ ans 15:45 speaks of “ the first man Adam.” Jesus Himself, quoting from the story of Adam and Eve, said that “ God made them in the beginning male and f ema l e ” (Matt. 19:4). The popular evolutionary his­ tory, however, speculates that the JANUARY, 1970

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