King's Business - 1970-01

votional book that will be helpful to pastors and workers in Christian Education concern­ ing the obvious and less obvious titles of Christ in the Bible. GROW TOWARD LEADERSHIP by Melvin L. Hodges. 63 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chi­ cago, III.; $.95. One of the CHRISTIAN FORUM books designed to develop tomorrow's leadership in today’s individuals. Family THE NINE LIVES OF ALPHONSE by James L. Johnson The desperate need for good Christian fiction is sharply illus­ trated by the publishing of this tale o f adventure. The Reverend Mr. Sebastian, a most implausi­ ble Christian James Bond, re­ sponds to the call for help of one of his converts. He defeats un­ belief, the U.S. Government, and Castro’s security forces to rescue some fugitives from the island by means o f a homemade submarine. The yarn moves with the grace of a monograph about enzymes. It conveys no message, contains no true drama. Like the Bahama Channel, where the climactic ac­ tion takes place, it is a vast ex­ panse of nothingness. The cover is very well done. — 253 pages; paperback; Tyndale House Pub­ lishers; $4.95. Reviewed by Is­ rael Carmona. L’ABRI by Edith Shaeffer Mrs. Shaeffer gives a most in­ teresting and meaningful account of the developments and dynamics behind the Chateau L ’abri shel­ ter) in a beautiful Swiss Alpine village. The Christian reader of any age will be carried on page by page to the completion of this gripping account o f faith and ministry to students and other troubled and confused men and women of the twentieth century. This is a splendid introduction to the thought of Francis Shaef­ fer, the c u r r e n t l y widely-read evangelical author. It puts his apologetical ideas into the context of life and of work for God. The life o f faith and guidance of the couple and their children are traced through joys, great and 25

Christian Education DRY BONES CAN LIVE AGAIN by Robert E. Coleman Almost every Christian is in­ terested in the subject of revival. This short, but very practical, book deals with the blessing, con­ dition, pattern, and the strategy of revival. It also relates revival to the mission of the church and has a lesson on planning a revival meeting and another on the con­ tinuing of the revival spirit. The book lends itself to group discus­ sion as each chapter is followed by study assignments and several paragraphs on how to handle the group discussion. It is up-to-date and is a good introduction to the subject which can be pursued in greater depth by using the other references cited in the extensive footnotes. The stress on personal application of the truths concern­ ing revival, if properly applied, can truly make Dry Bones Live Again! — 127 pages; pape r ; Fleming H. Revell Co.; $1.25. Re­ viewed by Clyde Cook, Director of Missions, Biola College. MOODY PRESENTS FAVORITE SONGS. 109 SPECIAL DAY PROGRAMS AND SELECTIONS FOR CHURCH AND SUNDAY SCHOOL by Flora E. Breck. 141 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. BETTER BIBLE GAMES by Edith Beavers Allen. 105 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. YOUTH PROGRAMS FROM THE GOSPELS by B. Hoyt Evans. 85 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. Programs for thirty meetings of youth organizations. LEADING DYNAMIC BIBLE STUDY by Rice A. JANUARY, 1970 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; no price listed. More than 100 popular hymns, Gospel songs, and choruses.

Pierce. Foreword by Gains F. Dobbins. 128 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $2.95. A step-by-step help to group participation in practical Bible study. PROGRAMS THAT PLEASE by Phyllis Mitchell. 63 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.00. Provocative de­ votional meditations for adult groups. MOTHER-DAUGHTER BANQUET IDEAS by Edna Moore Schultz. 63 pages; paper; Zon­ dervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.00. This volume involves twelve completely-planned programs. PROGRAMS FOR SPECIAL DAYS by Jeanette Lockerbie. 57 pages; paper; Zondervan Pub­ lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.00. A complete program for every month of the year. MORE WOMAN TALK by Lucille Turner. 60 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.00. Devotional talks for women’s groups. SCRIPTURE QUIZ PROGRAMS by Emily Filipi. 62 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. YOUNG TEEN SPONSORS’ GUIDE FOR USE WITH YOUTH GUIDES I. 96 pages; paper; Scripture Press Publications, Wheaton, III.; $3.95. Regular program helps for junior high youth groups. PRESCHOOL BULLETIN BOARDS. 32 pages; paper; Scripture Press Publications, Wheaton, III.; $1.50. More than 100 sketches and pic­ tures suggested to make bulletin boards and attractive teaching aids. THE HYLE SUNDAY SCHOOL MANUAL by

Dr. Jack Hyles. 252 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Murfreesboro, Tenn.; $5.50. Volume two in a series of how to do it books compiled by the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana.

NAMES AND TITLES OF CHRIST by Francis H. Derk, with forward by Merrill Tenney. 164 pages; cloth; Bethany Fellowship, Inc., Min­ neapolis, Minn.; $3.95. A reference and de­

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