King's Business - 1970-01

• veinice” * because he had re^ „ a , Christ, by faith,

Lord; I say H oned himself

the resurrected Christ

perplexities and

d " ^

but alive in the power » g j W t -M y present j g ' 2 f £ S w r f the old v but the living Chns “ t?um ee, J s T o f the life f e » - » f ^ " ™r Saviour. 0„r personal acceptance of Ch Wona„y to Wit^ S t i o n s of thus - "

Too many Christians,

desperation to the

«ace of the 20th century, turn find an an- psychologists and P ^ f i ^ ^ t e r e d into the swer to their yet they are family of God waste, h n w M ^ ^ ; still wandering thr % They are “starving ness, starving on them ^ intended to satisfy

point, no matter what it costs.

^ e o « "

^ M ly

■will do this, but has the quiet act of

«Believe that G o d

the law of sin (Rom. 8. )

they eat and be satisfied.

«Rejoice in the Was PM r s

done it. W « briieve God in faith, all now depen^ y Ffeeling or evidence. For entire absence of ^ f J * nd surer than any God's Word is safer b e tte^ ^ ^ ^ bhnd, cold evidence of His ^ my Lord Jesus faith if need be, my need 0f fa ith ), meeting all my needs w w ^ w e » because His grace i t Himself is bette «And remember W y the power, than any of His He grants, or the victory, or th Christ is better Christ creates spiritual pow . ^ is G d; and than that power. bave chnst, yield-

V w could Paul m pnson ^ Lord alway, and again I s y, r Christ different How could a contempo

' Ethiopian evangelist

for preaching who was kept ^ " T ^ m e n t o r s when they Christ, not ^ “ £ * £ ¿ 3 » the moment.he told him he would preach Christ? Their stated he would no tonge P^ ^ ^ (hM1(,s to his method of fiendmhtortur hansln8 by these thongs fingers and suspend him a s rods until from a tree, then to|beat h ® then cut ta n r r ^ r S j h i l ceil and throw cold water on him to « * " “ mevapgelist was asked, When the Ethiopian telling your jailors un- «How could you keep ld no loTlger preach der such torture that y°u in the eye for a Christ?” he looked t h e « ^ chest with his fist, long moment, then a ®L,„ He knew the reality, cried out, “He l i v e , f p o th e r who mdwe the sufficiency, the ability, or Wmpaul could write. “Always be full of joy in the

man need stay the way he ts.

*<>»'• M ? S " t H A T W INS **TH E L IF E T H A I School Times, 12U Aren

Philadelphia, ra



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