King's Business - 1970-01

m IN T E R C O M M U N IT Y C O U N S E L IN G C E N T E R Dedicated to the Highest in Professional Skill and Christian Values ■ Psychotherapy

* a message from the ed ito r*


■ Marriage Counseling ■ Educational Therapy ■ Vocational Evaluation

W h a t w o u l d h a p p e n if the local police forces o f our various communities across the length and breadth of our land were to be eliminated or reduced practically to complete impotence? Such an eventuality is too horrible even to contemplate, and yet that is exactly what a large activist segment of our population devoutly hopes for. Of course, the Communists would be supremely delighted; the lawless element in our land would shout with glee; the black racists and the white racists would dance with delight; the gamblers, lawbreakers, hoodlums, murderers, rapists, homo­ sexuals, publishers and disseminators of obscene and pornographic literature, sex deviates o f every type and description, draft-dodg­ ers, draft-card burners, flag desecrators, Satan himself and all the forces of hell would rejoice with unbounded joy and enthusiasm. The United States would become a literal hell on earth. It would be far better to be dead than alive were such an eventuality ever to come to pass. Yet this is exactly what the elements named above would like to see occur. Of course, each group would like to see all the other groups restrained by the police, but they themselves would plead freedom from the police in order that they might pur­ sue their devilish desires. The laws of the land would be absolutely meaningless and totally impotent were it not for the continuous efforts o f the various law enforcement agencies who are making such a noble effort to keep the peace and make our beloved land a safe place in which to live. But it almost appears to be a losing battle. A report put out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on June 24, 1969 states, “ Serious crime in the United States continued its upward trend, recording a 10% rise nationally for the first three months of 1969, when compared to the same period in 1968.” FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, noted that “ Each crime classifica­ tion used in the national crime index showed increases. Crimes of violence as a group recorded a 15% increase, murder 7% increase, forceable rape 12% increase, aggravated assault 8%, robbery 22% increase, burglary up 4%, theft up 17%, auto theft up 11%.” Mr. Hoover also “ Called particular attention to the sharp increases in robbery which continues to increase at a more rapid pace than the other crime index offenses. Nation-wide armed robbery, where any weapon was used, rose 27% and aggravated assault with a firearm increased 10% during the first quarter of 1969 over the same period in 1968.”



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