King's Business - 1970-01

day lives and grows up in a dif­ ferent world from that of his par­ ents. Visit a grade school and compare it to your Sunday school. Notice in the public school the teaching methods, the push-but­ ton language laboratories, teach­ ing machines, and the audio-visu­ als which are used. Then ask yourself, “ Is it any wonder that Johnny gets bored in Sunday school ?” Professional Christian educa^ tors are not blind to the chang­ ing methodology of our day, and during the forthcoming decade many of these presently “ out-of­ sight” methods will be brought into the reach of the average Sun­ day school. Let’s come to our senses! We have no alternative but to up­ grade methods and technology, or face the consequences of contend­ ing for methods that have long since outworn their effectiveness. In Bismarck’s Recollections the story is told of a guard who paced back and forth at a certain spot on sentry duty. Prince Bismarck asked the guard what was he do­ ing there, and the soldier replied, “ I do not know, Sir.” Bismarck said, “ Find out.” The soldier started investigating. He discov­ ered that one day Catherine the Great had planted a rosebush on that spot. Eventually people tram­ pled the rose and it died. Then she planted another one, and this time ordered a guard stationed by the rose so no one would trample the second to death. Years passed, and in time the bush died a nat­ ural death. Yet year after year a sentry was posted, guarding a bush that had long-since died a natural death. God forbid that we should guard our methodology which must constantly change with the tenacity we must have in guard­ ing the message which is change­ less. Let’s stop standing sentry duty over dead methods! The choice is clear: change or chaos. It is either/or, but not both. _

A New Broadman Easter Cantata with Evangelistic Emphasis


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CALVARY 'S M O U N T A IN by Lanny A llen

Your church's Easter choral program can become an occasion for rededication and commitment with this SATB cantata. The definite evangelistic appeal is evident as the cross is related to the idea of salvation o f the individual. Especially appropriate for Easter, it may be used a t any time. $1.50 Demonstration Recording— To aid director and choir in learning Calyary's Mountain. A 12-inch, 33>/3 rpm, monaural recording. $3.98 O ther Broadman Easter Cantatas fo r your choirs. . . M A N O F SORROW S by Gordon Young Easy SATB cantata comprised o f fam iliar Easter hymns which choir and congregation may sing together. Brief solos and unaccompanied biblical narration. $1.00 CHR IST IS R ISEN , ALLELU IA ! by Gordon Young For Junior choirs. The theme centers around the scene a t the empty tomb and the joy of the Resurrection. $1.2S' Demonstration Recording— To aid director and choir in learning Christ Is Risen, A lle lu ia ! Two 7-inch, 331/j rpm, monaural recordings. $2.49 Ask for Broadman Music a t your Religious Music or Book Store. b r o a d m a n

127Ninth Avenue,North Nashville, Tenn. 37203

Evangelize India Now! S

India’s doors are open for national missionaries. You can help to train them fo r $10 a month for room and board, $15 a month fo r academic training; $2 w ill print 1,000 Gospel tracts in two colors; $10 w ill pay fo r V* hour Radio broadcast. Write fo r further information. r------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | HINDUSTAN BIBLE Gentlemen: □ Please send information. I IUCTITIITE lUf n Enclosed find $.................................. for IIUMIUIC, lilt. □ student Support; □ Tracts; I P.O. Box 2815 n Radi°i D General I Terminal Annex * amc ........I --------------- ------- -------------- n ......... . . . . . . . . _ . Address ................. .................................. - i LoS Angeles, Calif. 90054 .......j&ffi................................ .................................. I . .

Dr. N. Paul V. Gupta, President and Director

Dr. Harold J. Sala is a pastor in Re­ dondo Beach, California.

JAN U AR Y, 1970


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