From here on it will cost more money, require better trained people, and greater insights in planning and strategy.” DR. DAVID ALLAN HUBBARD, presi dent of Fuller Theological Seminary, has been appointed permanent speaker on “The Joyful Sound," a continuing radio ministry of the late DR. CHARLES E. FULLER. The program was formerly known as “ Old Fashioned Revival Hour.” REV. PAUL W. BENNEHOFF has been appointed managing editor of Child Evangelism Magazine. He f o rm e r ly served as administrative assistant in lit erature in Child Evangelism Fellowship Press. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. report ed the crash in October of a single engine mission plane in the jungles of Ecuador. Pilot RALPH SCHELLENBERG- ER was the only person on board. He escaped with minor injuries. The air craft was a total loss. The Pocket Testament League has re leased a documentary film titled “ Bold Enough To Try.” The 28-minute color motion picture was shot entirely on lo cation in Brazil. Bookings may be se cured by writing the organization at 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, New Jersey 06731. HARRY BOLLBACK has been named Co-Director of Word of Life Fellowship, Inc., headquartered at Schroon Lake, New York. For the past ten years he was co-director of the Brazil branch of Word of Life in Sao Paulo. DR. JACK WYRT- ZEN is founder and director of the min istry which is headquartered in New York. Radio Station HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, is broadcasting daily to the German speaking audience in Canada and the United States via shortwave facilities. New programs in the Russian language have also been added. More than 2V i million letters and petitions supporting Apollo 8 astronauts BORMAN, LOVELL, and ANDERS in their 1968 Christmas Eve reading of the Bible were presented to DR. THOMAS O. PAINE, Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The letters were a part of “ Project As tronaut,” spearheaded by the Family Radio Network of San Francisco, Calif. DR. GEORGE O. PEEK, pastor of the North Long Beach Brethren Church, Long Beach, California, traveled through out South America during November and early December speaking and visiting various missionary operations. Along with his wife, and MR. and MRS. DUN CAN McLEISH, Dr. Peek visited denomi national mission boards and missionary organizations including HCJB in Quito, Ecuador, Wycliffe Translators in Colom bia, and the West Indies Mission in Trinidad. Dr. Peek was scheduled for 21 speaking engagements including three pastors' conferences.
Is your love that important? Indeed it is! So important it influences the lives of helpless, heart broken children in COMPASSION Homes in far-away India, Korea, Indonesia and Haiti. And, like nearly 20,000 other American sponsors, you can help one or more of these little ones today. Just $12 a month supplies food, clothing, shelter, schooling, medical attention, and tender loving care for your boy or girl! You receive a full case history of your
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Rev. Henry Harvey, President 7774 Irving Park Road Chicago, Illinois 60634, Dept. K10
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