The Beacon June FY22

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The 2022 BCNA Pink Lady Match between the Melbourne Football Club and Brisbane Lions will play at the MCG on Thursday 23 June . The top of the table clash has been allocated a prime time Thursday night scheduling by the AFL. The pre-match activities and virtual Pink Lady will light up pink, with thanks to BCNA partner Red Energy. Individuals and families that have been affected by breast cancer are invited to register with BCNA to receive complimentary tickets to sit in the specially allocated ‘Pink Lady Bay’ . Tickets will be allocated until exhausted, with all successful requests confirmed via email from BCNA by Tuesday 7 June. REGISTER HERE

*Tickets to other areas of the MCG are available to purchase via Ticketek. For those that cannot attend the match for any reason including location, health or timing please get involved by helping BCNA to fill the virtual pink lady! The Virtual Pink Lady on the ‘G will be live from 1 June along with the all new

PLAY4BCNA Beanie available to order. To help BCNA fill the Pink Lady and support all Australians affected by breast cancer you can buy your virtual place, leave a message of support and order your own 2022 PLAY4BCNA Beanie , simply head to

BCNA Foundation Partner

BCNA Major Partners


Issue 91 | June 2022

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