
Research is fundamentally important as a means of providing a better understanding of any disease and therefore improving understanding and management options. We are very proud to be using our Advancing Research campaign to have a meaningful impact on how neuroendocrine research is done. The objective of this campaign is to raise funds for NC research to support those with the condition both today and in the future. We are so grateful to our community for enabling us to fund this research through their generous donations. Thank you so much for your support, we really appreciate it. Advancing Neuroendocrine Cancer Research June Update

Practice-changing Grants

As part of our Advancing Neuroendocrine Cancer Research campaign, and in collaboration with the United Kingdom & Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (UKINETS) we launched our Practice-Changing Grants in 2023. These grants aim to find new and practical ways to improve the lives and experiences of people with neuroendocrine cancer (outcomes must be shown within 12 months). These grants are practical in nature, open to any healthcare professional, and must demonstrate a clear benefit for people with neuroendocrine cancer. In the video below, Dr Alia Munir provides a brief summary of the GEDNEN Course, a Pilot Model of Group Education for nutritional/dietary advice and symptom management in neuroendocrine cancer that will be run at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield which has been made possible through this Practice Changing Grant.



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