King's Business - 1970-06

JUNE 1970


about college


When you think about college there are things to consider. You want a good education. And that means academic excellence. But that’s not a l l . . . a good education means interaction and involvement on your own level — doing what you enjoy more than anything else. For some that has to mean athletics. And if that includes you, consider Biola College. Are you a wrestler? Our team is ranked nationally. Top men from all over the U.S. come to Biola to wrestle. Do you play basketball? Our team is young, but with three all-state stars we stand to be tough. How about baseball, soccer, cross coun­ try, track, tennis? We could say much

more. But why don’t you write us? And remember Biola is a distinctly Christian institution, where high spirited standards and excellent Bible courses are part of every student’s life. rfessionally accredited by the crediting Association of >le Colleges and regionally the Western Association Schools and Colleges.

Director of Admissions Biola College 13800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, California 90638

The Rising Threat in America by DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND, Biola President T he U.S. News and World Report of March 23, 1970 summarized a developing situation in this country which could produce results too terrible to contemplate. The heading states: “Bombings— real or threatened— are confronting cities across the nation with a spring ‘reign of terror.’ They seem to be haphazard, but are they? One concern: Militants skilled and schooled may be starting a deliberate campaign to unnerve one community after another.” The article de­ clares that New York City had been hardest hit, with more than 400 bomb scares in less than 48 hours. Twenty-three stores were dam­ aged by a blast in Pittsburg. San Francisco reported that nearly 100 successful or unsuccessful bombing attempts or serious threats were investigated in 1969. At Albuquerque, police uncovered a bomb 15 minutes before it was set to explode under the floor of a Reserve Officers’ Corps building. Detroit had 24 incidents of bombing in 1969, including attacks on police stations, draft boards and an army re­ cruiter. In Cambridge, Maryland, an explosion ripped a hole in the old County Courthouse. On one day— March 12th— three Manhattan sky­ scrapers were rocked by bombs; a college and high-school were fire- bombed at Appleton, Wisconsin; in Chicago, parked police cars were damaged by bombs. These are but a fraction of the bombings that have hit the newspapers recently. In addition to the actual blow-ups, hundreds of bomb threats have been made by telephone. Although proven false, they brought disrup­ tion as building after building was evacuated and thoroughly searched. After the March 12 bombings of the three Manhattan skyscrapers, United Press International reported receipt of a letter from “Revolu­ tionary Force 9,” which claimed credit for those explosions. The let­ ter contained this chilling statement: “ In death-directed Amerika (note the spelling), there is only one way to a life of love and freedom: to attack and destroy the forces of death and exploitation and to build a just society— revolution.” In one dynamited car, a note was found with the same misspelling, addressed to “Amerika.” It said in part, “dynamite is my response to your justice.” Also on that ill-fated day of March 12th, five federal buildings in Washington, D.C., including those of the Justice Department, were evacuated due to bomb scares. Although no bombs were discovered, the risk of ignoring these threats cannot be taken when so many lives are involved. Many government officials believe that there is a definite correlation between this latest outburst of violence and the turbulence which has been occurring on university campuses during the past few years. New York City’s coun­ cil president made this statement: “What we are dealing with here is a terrific problem. These are urban guerrillas, the outgrowth of an era of disrespect for law and the acceptance of a Maoist philosophy of guerrilla warfare.” Among the terrorist groups, he lists the Black Panthers, the militant faction of SDS, and the Young Lords, a group of Puerto Ricans. Leave it to the psychiatrists to come up with the philosophical answers! One professor at Brandeis University declared that the chief motive behind these outrages is “revenge against society.” He said, “The young people have had protests, and riots, and disorders. They have done everything one can do in the way of peaceful and un­ planned protest and not much has changed. To that degree there is an increasing sense of desperation and a sense of vengeful ness." So, incredibly, this educator of youth claims that these “little darlings” are merely giving vent to their frustrations! Destruction, disorder and even death have followed in their wake, which is a far cry from

JUNE, 1970 / VOL. 61 / NO. 6 Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home THE KING’S BUSINESS LA MIRADA, CALIFORNIA 90638 THE KING’S BUSINESS Magazine is a publication of BIOLA SCHOOLS and COLLEGES, INC. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, S. H. Sutherland, President. Features: Message fromthe Editor Samuel H. Sutherland 3 People in theNews 6 Book Highlights andReviews 18 Innovations in Learning/ H. Norman Wright 20 Dr. Talbot’s QuestionBox/ Louis T. Talbot 24 Cult’s Critique/ Betty Bruechert 25 Overa CupofCoffee/ Joyce Landorf 30 ChristianWorkers’Clinic / C. Chester Larson 31 Articles: Money and Mar iage Gordon & Dorothea Jaeck 8 Reflections on a Crusade / Jack M. Spiegel 11 Take Time to BeHoly / Vance Havner 12 Rooted and Grounded / W. Glen Campbell 14 TheSpirit Seals / Lehman Strauss 16 Uniaue Rehabilitation Opportunity n Nigeria 22 Some AnswerstoPollution Stanley C. Baldwin 26 TheButterflyBreaksThrough Mrs. Adrian Rogers 28 Recruiting Sergeant or FrontLineLieutenant/ Dick Hillis 32 Cover: Crater Lake, Oregon viewed from west side PhotobyKen Farson Editor: S. H. SUTHERLAND Managing Editor: BILL EHMANN Art Director: JOHN OZMON Copy Editor: BETTY BRUECHERT Christian Education Editor: H. NORMAN WRIGHT Circulation Manager: LOUISE POND Treasurer: PAUL SCHWEPKER Subscription Rates: THE KING'S BUSINESS is pub- lished monthly with the exception of July/ August issue which is combined. U.S., its posses­ sions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Add 90 cents extra for Canadian and Foreign subscriptions. Allow one month for a change of address to become effec­ tive. Please send both old and new address. Remittances should be made by bankdraft. ex­ press, or post office money order payable to THE KING'S BUSINESS. Advertising: For informa­ tion address the Advertising Manager, THE KING'S BUSINESS, 13800 Biola Avet, La Mirada, California 90638. Manuscripts: THE KING'S BUSI­ NESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consid­ eration. Second class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glèndale, California.

JUNE, 1970


being merely vengeful. These anarchists want to make America over to conform to their lawless way of life. It just so happens, however, that the vast majority of Americans are not willing to give up our way of life and substitute for it their reign of terror. They have been well satisfied with the America of the past and even of the America of the present and certainly hopeful of the America of the future when this disruptive element is disposed of so that no longer will it be a threat to life and property in our land. It is high time that we were taking an active part in our communities and exerting our influence in a way that tells. We need publicly to support police departments, letting them know at frequent intervals how much we appreciate their service on our behalf and the risks to their own lives they take to protect the citizens. When election time rolls around, and judges on the various levels of our courts are seeking re-election, we should make a thorough investigation of the decisions they have rendered during their terms of office. We should be informed whether they have been soft on the rioters, left-wingers and criminals of every type. We should find out whether they have upheld the historic laws of our land which they have sworn to defend in their effort to maintain decency and law and order. Those who have been lenient with the left-wing destructive element should be voted out so resoundingly that the noise will be heard throughout the length and breadth of this land. American citizens should serve notice that they will no longer tolerate their maudlin sentimentalism where judicial decisions are involved. What about the left-wing clergyman who constantly orates about civil rights, engages in protest marches, and magnifies the virtues of both the Russian and Chinese brands of Communism while at the same time he downgrades the ideals of America? There is only one way to deal with such treachery to God and country and that is for congregations to inform these men either to quit mouthing their nefarious notions— or get out! Cutting off the support of such false religious leaders would be most effective. Would it not be far better to have lay-leaders giving Bible-centered, Christ-honoring devotional messages than to have a paid clergy which defiles the pulpit and denounces our beloved land which was founded for the sake of re­ ligious liberty? Politicians who frequently are heard fomenting dis­ sent among these insurrectionists should be kept out of office alto­ gether or told in no uncertain terms to mend their ways or suffer defeat at the polls. There ought to be continuing protest against the unfairness of the news media, especially TV commentators, who pour xneir leftist propaganda into our homes at every opportunity (a sub­ sequent editorial will deal with this particular issue). This has been the trend of radio and press commentators ever since the adminis­ tration of Franklin D. Roosevelt and has been taken up by the TV broadcasters who followed. Recently nationally-known and able com­ mentator, Howard K. Smith, himself a liberal, admitted this frankly: “Liberals by definition,” he stated, “have a strong leftward bias. Our tradition since FDR has been leftward.” We are living in desperate days, not unlike those which preceded the flood as described in Genesis 6:11: “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.” We must alter our complacent attitude and recognize facts as they exist today. If we were merely interested in politics, this editorial would have no place in a magazine like this. But we are not dealing with politics; we are discussing the whole American ideology. The very life of Christianity as we know it is at stake. It could happen that the liber­ ties we enjoy may be snatched away so suddenly that we will not realize it until it is too late ever to retrieve them. God forbid, but it could happen even here! KB THE KING’S BUSINESS

Yiunay net beup tuit!

Matching minds with some of the most gifted scholars in the world has its hazards. On the other hand, the dynamic dialogue that each student shares personally with these men is life-changing.

Our faculty members don’t travel; they teach. They thrive in the classroom, not the cloister. All of them will be here next semester; will you? lam IM ilcil


Minister, Brick Presbyterian Church New York City

A NEW SUNDAY RADIO MINISTRY OF VITAL INTEREST TO YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY Music by Westminster Choir College, Church Choirs and Soloists Interviews with Lay Leaders


TUNE IN TELL YOUR FRIENDS Check your newspaper for station and time, or w rite for station log to: M r. James J. Cochran, Executive Vice-president The Presbyterian Lay Comm ittee 3 East °48th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017

Guest Interview: Mr. Roger Hull Chairman, Presbyterian Lay Committee

Westminster Choir

Starts Sunday June 7 ,1970

JUNE, 1970


missionary students from the eastern United States and Canada. The course offerings at the New England school will be identical with introductory work at the other schools located at the Uni­ versity of Oklahoma, University of North Dakota, and the University of Washing­ ton. Sessions will be conducted on the campus of Gordon College and will be accredited by that institution. “Like It Was” is the title of a 32- minute sound/color film of the 8th In­ ter-Varsity Missionary Convention which was conducted in 1967. The film which is now available is a dramatic presenta­ tion of what happened at this large student convention which was attended by more than 9000 individuals. The film covers current missions issues as they were discussed by WARREN WEBSTER of Conservative Baptist Foreign Missions Society, the REV. JOHN R. W. STOTT of England, MICHAEL GRIFFITHS of Overseas Missionary Fellowship, and other speakers. Showings can be sched­ uled by writing to “Urbana ’70,’’ Inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship, 620 North Carroll Street, Madison, Wise. 53703. ARTHUR F. GLASSER has been ap­ pointed dean and associate professor of missions at the Fuller Theological Semi­ nary School of World Mission in Pasa­ dena, California. Having served as a missionary, lecturer, and scholar. Dr. Glasser will take up his new responsi­ bilities in September of this year. DR. HUDSON T. ARMERDING, presi­ dent of Wheaton College, has been elect­ ed president of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). The event took place at the organization’s 28th Annual Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. Dr. Armerding has served for two years as first vice president of NAE. ANDREW L. AC- QUISTAPACE has ac­ cepted a call to the Cam pu s B a p t i s t Church in Fresno, Calif. A graduate of Biola C o l l e g e in 1957, Mr. Acquista- pace has been direc­ tor of public rela­ tions for the Los An­ geles Baptist College in Newhall, Calif., for the past three years.


Churches, Schools, all Organizations. Beautiful and Distinctive Color Scenic Photo Greeting Cards on finest quality Saxony embossed paper. Seeing is believing. Excellent for gifts, personal use or greetings. With scripture and a verse of a hymn or blank. For further information about this EASY SALE LARGE PROFIT opportunity write today to: THEY SELL THEMSELVES

DR. CHARLES C. RYRIE, Dean of the Graduate School at Dallas Theological Seminary, was elected president of the Executive Council of the Central Ameri­ can Mission at its Annual Meeting. THE REV. ALEX B. STEIN, pastor of the Philpott Memorial Church of Hamil­ ton, Ontario, was the Bible teacher dur­ ing the 80th annual conference of The Evangelical Alliance Mission. The con­ ference was held at the Calvary Memori­ al Church, Racine, Wisconsin, May 12- 17. DR. J. RICHARD CHASE, Academ ic Vice Pre siden t of Biola College since 1965, h a s b e e n named president of the school, according to an announcement of the Board of Di­ rectors. He will re- Dr. J. R. Chase place DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND who has been president since 1952. Dr. Sutherland announced his retire­ ment earlier this year. The College, lo­ cated in La Mirada, Calif., will have more than 1500 students enrolled this fall. HENRY L. HARVEY, President of Com­ passion, Inc., has been awarded a Presi­ dential Citation from the Republic of Korea. The honor is Korea’s highest civilian award and it has been presented to only 15 individuals since the republic was founded. The Chicago-based organi­ zation now supports more than 20,000 needy children in the Orient. PETER DEYNEKA, the Russian preach­ er and evangelist, celebrated his 50th spiritual birthday in January. He is president of the Slavic Gospel Associa­ tion and now has more than 100 mis­ sionaries working each year in 22 coun­ tries distributing Bibles and other Chris­ tian literature among Russian Slavic people. Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. has added a new Summer Institute of Lin­ guistics session for New England which will commence June 29. The new school Will be the fourth operated in the United States by the Summer Institute. It is being scheduled to meet the needs of

Coast Products, Inc. Van Nuys, California 9 1 4 0 6

Give out the Word

Enclose with mail, pass around, 24 pages of Salvation Scriptures. Send $1.00 for ppd. sample lot. L I T T L E B I B L E S Box 6 3 5 5 Glendale, Calif. 9 1 2 0 4

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Donate your used car to mission­ aries on furlough. You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re­ tail value. AIM, Inc. 12148 Victory North Hollywood, Ca. 91606 phone (213) 980-4000 We fail to answer over 100 mis­ sionary requests per year, because we don’t have enough cars. Please help.





God took the fragrance of a flower. . . The majesty of a tree . . . The gentlenes of morning dew . . . Thecalm ofa quietsea ... The soul of a starry night. . . The laughter of a rippling bro k . . . The grace of a bird in flight . . . The love in a lover's look . . . The tender care of an angel. . . The faith of a mustard seed . . . The patience of eternity . . . The depth of a family’s need . . . Then God fashioned from these things A creation like no other, Andwhen His masterpiece wasthrough He called it simply— MOTHER. — Midwest Bible Church, Chicago, II. CALLED ! Caled to be a Mother, Called! to be a nursemaid, With al that work entails, Cooking meals and scrubbing floors, And washing diaper pails? Called! to be a helpmeet, With all that task requires, Of mending socks and ironing shirts, Respecting his desires? This calling is too great, I’d hoped for something less, Like sitting in an office chair Withoutthis toil and mess. Then I’d hireanother one To care for al these chores. But, You caled me to noble work And closed al other doors. You chosefor me the very best There is no greater one, Than rearingchildren for the Lord And serving Your Dear Son. Called to be a Mother, Nursemaid and helpmeet too. Oh, may Thy name be glorified, In everythingI do. Withall thatword implies, Wiping noses, kissing hurts, And dryingtear-stained eyes?

Will you love one o f us?

Only the child who is loved in this world is fortunate. Only a grownup who is loved in this world is fortunate. For love makes each of us feel wanted. There is somebody you can live for, a little child who will live for you, and because of you. Choose one of these needy children who are supported in Christian Homes by COMPASSION, INC. Each needs a foster father or mother in a faraway land. Every girl and boy you see here will be able to give up the rags he wears for clean clothing. Each child

will receive good food, a home, education, medical attention. And on l y you can make it possible. Your commitment to support a boy or a girl for just $12 a month will give a child a chance to live, to become a fine human being with Christian ideals. Choose a child who needs your love. His or her picture and life history will be sent to you imme­ diately. And you will know the mean­ ing of love.

Rev. Henry Harvey, President, Dept. K-60 7774 Irving Park Road, Chioago, Illinois 60634 (Canadian residents write Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario.)

I want to sponsor a needy child. I understand I may discontinue at any time. My choice i s _____________________________ _ If this child has been chosen, please select similar child, approximately_________ years old, from □ India □ Indonesia □ Korea □ Haiti Enclosed is □ $12 for first month □ $144 for first year. □ Send me child’s name, story, address and picture. □ I cannot sponsor a child but want to give $______________________________ □ Please send me more information. Name____________________________________________________ _____________________ Add ress_________________________________________ ______________________________ City__________________________ _______________ State__________________________Zip. Make checks payable to Compassion, Inc. Contributions are tax deductible.

— Nancy E. Carpenter

JUNE, 1970


The Stretch and Stress o f it by Gordon and Dorothea daech

Where Does All The Money Go? H ow do other people seem to make their income go so much further? Why do we feel guilty every time we spend money for some special pleasure? Why do we always end up in an argument every time money is discussed? A popular magazine sought answers to some of these questions in a comprehensive study conducted a few years ago on “What Money Does to Marriage.” They found, in questioning some 500 husbands and wives that most couples (nearly 6 0 % ) quarrel about money, and that the families who quarrel most are in the middle-income ($6,000 to $9,000-a-year) bracket. Financial worries, statistics show, cause more family problems than any other. Even more crucial, however, is the discovery that a harmonious financial relation­ ship is essential to a harmonious physical and spir­ itual relationship. Affluence— Where? Ours is referred to as the "affluent society” and we are a country that boasts the highest per capita income and standard of living the world has ever known. Yet the typical American family is burdened with debts and baffled with the problems of making ends meet. “We live from pay check to pay check,” and "Savings? What’s that?" are remarks frequently voiced by young businessmen during coffee breaks. In every block, on almost every American street, are found young couples comparing the neighbor's late- model cars, glamorous vacations and mortgage-free houses with their own tangle of bills, inadequate sav­ ings and month-to-month existence. Most of us are reluctant to admit that money matters are a problem in our marriages and a source of frequent friction. End-of-the-month reckoning in the form of bill-paying or deciding who may be en­ titled to make purchases for his or her personal use are uniformly areas of extreme sensitivity in most

marriages. Perhaps this is why it seems difficult to be objective in discussions about money. Even to raise a question about the other mate’s capacity to manage wisely is highly resented. Such defensiveness about money management indicates the potentially negative effect financial matters can have on our mar­ riage relationships. Nor can we assume that as income is increased, our handling of money will be wiser. One bank executive has observed that “the higher the standard of living, the more ways there are of being poor." Most of us are honest to admit that our stand­ ard of living isn’t likely to drop during the course of marriage. On the contrary, It seems constantly to rise, often disproportionately to income or cost-of-living indices. For couples who have a more than adequate in­ come, there may be different kinds of financial prob­ lems. These may include the wise disposition of sur­ plus funds, investment possibilities, assigned and ascribed values (friendships, participation in civic affairs, personal and real property holdings, etc.). With every family, whether affluent or of very modest means, careful financial planning should include an insurance program that is realistically related to family income and family size. Likewise, thought should be given very early in marriage to the making of a will or a trust, and a reputable attorney consulted for advice in the matter. How Do We Feel About Money? Attitudes and feelings about money are often more important in creating problems in marriage than are our actual spending practices. Some of these are acquired in our homes as we are growing up and oth­ ers are the result of the emphasis society tends to place upon money and material possessions. As a re­ sult, each mate brings a different set of money values to marriage, based on his or her own family’s eco­ nomic system or his exposure to society's money values.

JUNE, 1970


Working Wives There are nearly fourteen million American homes in which both husband wife work and in which there are two pay-checks. In these families, possibilities are increased for strain over money matters. Probably the greatest danger is the feeling of possessiveness which each mate may display toward his and her separate incomes. Sylvia Porter, herself a working wife of many years, who writes a widely-syndicated column in the financial section of many newspapers, has some words of helpful advice on this subject: "Always remember it’s ‘our’ money— not ‘mine’.” Like every part of the marriage relationship, there must be a true sense of partnership in the matter of finances. Agreement should be reached as to the use and disposition of each income. The husband or wife who insists on total control of his or her own income, or of the entire income, is both selfish and immature, and endangers the compatibility of the marriage. One “ground rule” that we have established and found helpful in our marriage is the deduction of an agreed-upon portion of separate incomes which is each of ours to do with as we need or please— with no accounting to the other one necessary. Interest­ ingly enough, this secret private account has usually ended up buying a surprise gift for the other of a luxury item which he or she long ago had decided they couldn't afford! A “happy anniversary, dear!” surprise, perhaps! Budgets and Bottles The arrival of “Junior” often gives rise to a dis­ cussion of the problem, “Now we really must estab­ lish a budget." Most financial advisors agree that size of family or size of income, for that matter, have little to do with the need for establishing a budget. Often budgets are viewed with quite negative aspects because of early experiences with an overly-stringent, all too-unrealistic budget. In such instances, the bud­ get itself may produce tension and precipitate fric­ tion in the household. In its simplest form, a budget is a plan of dis­ tributing the family income in a way that is fair and equitable to all the members. A budget should be considered essentially a spending plan rather than a savings plan. It can be as detailed as a CPA ac­ count ledger or as informal as the portion of the checkbook (all too often forgotten to be entered by the other partner) of checks drawn. Whatever the system, the key words to remember are simplicity, realism, and workability. And don’t forget to plan for baby . . . as if you could! KB Taken from I Take Thee . . . by Gordon and Dorothea Jaeck, copyright © 1967 by Zondervan Publishing House. Used by permission.

These include attitudes and opinions about who should control the money, how it should be spent, what are necessities and what are luxuries, cash versus installment-buying, what we need first and most, etc. Where there are sharp contrasts in these attitudes and values, serious problems may result. Clues to some of these differences are to be found in the courtship and engagement period, but often they are overlooked. For instance, the husband may have come from a very free-spending type of family, while his wife’s family had inculcated in their chil­ dren strong attitudes of thrift and control. To the extent that these differences are recognized and worked out before marriage, later problems can be more easily resolved. Bankers, economists, government experts, family- service agencies, and marriage counselors have all written and spoken on the subject of how to under­ stand, control, and enjoy money. So have married couples— “voice of experience.” One couple gives to us four basic rules they established after repeated unsuccessful attempts to avoid arguments about money: 1. Don’t talk about money. 2. Don’t argue about money. 3 . Don’t carry it around. 4 . Schedule one rousing money fight every once in a while just to clear the air. Finding that their first few “fights” had so cleared the air that they didn’t have anything further to fight about, they established the last rule, which is worthy of attention: “Remember always that marriage is more important than money.” A financial adviser who for twenty years has de­ voted himself to running the fiscal affairs of many well-known professional men and women testifies that he has "learned to cherish one small but sig­ nificant word.” The word is NO. He urges us to rec­ ognize the tragedy which mismanaged installment­ buying can bring, and the often nightmarish results of perfectly honest people plunging into debt with little or no planning for getting out of it. Such a burden, he reports, has thousands of persons across our nation “ living in a state of perpetual anxiety.” All but forgotten, it would seem, is the wise Bibli­ cal admonition spoken by Jesus Christ in His memor­ able Sermon on the Mount: “Don’t pile up treasures on earth, where moth and rust can spoil them and thieves can break in and steal. But keep your treas­ ure in Heaven where there is neither moth nor rust to spoil it and nobody can break in and steal. For wherever your treasure is, you may be certain that your heart will be there too!”




O ut of curiosity, I looked up the word crusade in the dictionary. Two unique definitions are given: The first has to do with the Crusades in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Moslems and the second and more common usage relating to vigorous, concerted action for some cause or against some abuse. The latter was exemplified to me in the total effort and achieve­ ment of the 1969 Billy Graham Southern California Crusade in Anaheim. Never had there been greater need for the display of such action for the cause of Jesus Christ. The entire panorama of the Crusade truly depicted a concerted effort of many Christians. The total planning which took place twelve months prior to the first day of the Crusade fulfilled the sym­ bolism of Romans 12:4-5: “For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.” On Thursday, Sept. 25, 1969, a final briefing was planned and details of the daily program dis­ cussed. Such a ministry of many churches requires multi-action endeavor. As in a ball game, there must be both the players and the spectators. A sense of spiritual expectation was evident in that “ball game,” the Crusade personnel consisting of staff, choir, ush­ ers and counsellors. The Bible says, “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:20). With love and concern for the lost, with faith and eagerness to work, we prepared for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Billy Graham stated at the Ministers’ Breakfast prior to the start of the Crusade: “Everything is in readiness for the Crusade to begin; all we need is the Breath of God.” The excitement, the lights and the thousands of

eyes gazing down upon us as we made our way across the Angels' infield caused me to reflect upon the early New Testament Church. I thought of the great Apostle Paul as he stood atop Mars Hill. The gaze of the wisest intellects in the world was upon him as he preached the simple, yet pungent message of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ (Acts 17:16-21). Peter experienced this power when he preached on the Day of Pentecost and three thousand souls were saved (Acts 2:41). That same miracle-producing energy was present at the Crusade. Moreover, it is available to all who claim the name of Christ, “for His Word was with power” (Luke 4:32). This power of the Spirit is expressed in action and believers who gather together radiate it. The magnitude of the Crusade reflected conviction and expectation. Over sixty per cent were under twenty-five years of age. The atmosphere in that infield section radiated with the electrifying power of the Spirit. The need was evident and the Lord Jesus Christ was present to meet it. TEARS AND TRANSFORMATIONS Naturally, the highlights of the Crusade were those who came forward and whose lives were changed by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. As I counselled with people of all denomi­ nations, I found they all had one thing in common— heartache and spiritual need. A nineteen-year-old lad came forward one evening with tears running down his cheeks. He kept ex­ claiming: " I want to be a preacher! I want to be a preacher!” As he began to sob, I asked him what decision he wanted to make and he said he came to be saved. We prayed the sinner’s prayer and together


JUNE, 1970

thanked Jesus. In his joy, he wanted to pray for me and I said “Of course” so through tears of gladness he prayed in a child-like way for me, and thus I re­ ceived a “fringe benefit.” Now that he is born again, his dream of being a minister has a good chance of becoming true. A couple, Donald and Dorothy, from a coastal community, were in their fifties. The husband had a drinking problem. I dealt with them as they came forward to rededicate their lives to Christ on Oct. 6th. The follow-up was a happy sequel for on Oct. 29th they wrote me: "Thank you so very much for your interest in our spiritual welfare. We have attended church for the past three Sundays and feel this is a church in which we can grow spiritually. We’ve com­ pleted the first lesson of the Billy Graham Decision packet ‘Knowing Christ.’ ” A MATTER OF PERSONAL EXPERIENCE My wife had been praying for the salvation of her entire family and the Crusade brought the cul­ mination to those prayers. The answer did not come until two hours after the service closed at 11:30 P.M. but it was the Lord’s timing. As we walked to the parking lot, a fellow platform supervisor joined us and I introduced him to the cousin of my wife and her two daughters. The Spirit of God spoke to Don’s heart to give his testimony. There we were, standing in a circle with our hands joined, praying for the Holy Spirit to enable my wife’s cousin to repent and re­ ceive Christ. Not only did she accept the Lord as her personal Saviour, but also her two teenage daugh­ ters were saved. Today that family attends a funda­ mental church in Garden Grove where the mother attends a Bible study fellowship and the girls are in youth work. The spiritual pyramid is building as these witness to other relatives and seek to win them to the Saviour. A SENSE OF URGENCY God’s people are His instruments and God will make known "the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure which He hath purposed in Him­ self” (Eph. 1:8, 9). God grant us a daily crusade in our hearts! The impact of gathering and praying fer­ vently together for the lost and seeing souls saved before our eyes quickens the heart for Christian wit­ ness. We must share our burden for the lost and expect to be used of the Holy Spirit. “Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind” (Phil. 2:2). The determination of a Christian simply to be made avail­ able through submissive prayer daily is a necessary key in sharing the Lord Jesus Christ with others. We must be vessels worthy of His honor and glory to be used of God to win others to His eternal kingdom. KB 12

by Vance Havner

A popular jazz orchestra plays in two prominent American churches. In another church endowed years ago by a godly woman who must be turning over in her grave, a hippie performance is staged. We read of blasphemous and demonic shows in sanc­ tuaries. Even in evangelical Christianity, the strange, weird, bizarre and fantastic take over. The world is called in to join its music and methods with ours on the ground that the end justifies the means. David hauls the ark on a new cart. Isn’t it more up-to-date and doesn’t it make better time? We try to expedite the work of God with new devices not of God and the end is tragedy. Rehoboam hangs shields of brass in the temple where once there was gold before Shishak came along. The church has been robbed, but instead of admitting it and getting back to the gold standard, we shine brass to make it look like gold. The whole pitiful business, false worship and imitation revivals, is an admission of failure. We substitute wood, hay and stubble for gold, silver and precious stones. It is a day of deception with Satan, the Mock Angel, disguised as an angel of light. It is a day of imitation, of tares so much like wheat that few discern the difference. Jannes and Jambres simulate the work of Moses. We live in a generation incapable of reverence in the presence of a holy God. Watch the average Sunday morning con­ gregation come in and go out of church. How few know how to worship in spirit and in truth! God wants us to be holy because He is holy. “Ye shall be holy unto me for I the Lord am holy and have severed you from other people that ye should be mine” (Lev. 20:26). That was spoken to Israelites but Christians too are a chosen generation, an holy nation and a peculiar people. Today a vulgar gen­ eration cheapens the holy things of God and treats treasure like trash. One wonders what would happen if McCheyne, Brainerd or Robertson of Brighton attended today’s religious extravaganza, complete with platform stars, new beat music and a talk on “Hallelujah, ain’t God grand!” This counterfeit worship and imitation Christian­ ity will not be stopped by mere pulpit denunciation. Only a confrontation with a holy God will end this prostitution of holy things, this cheapening of the Gospel. Only when God rends the heavens and comes down will all this sham be shown up for what it really is. When the genuine appears, the counterfeit will be destroyed even as Antichrist will be destroyed by the brightness of the Lord's coming. If we ever have a real revival and if God visits His people, there will be red faces among us. Church leaders will blush and hang their heads in shame and embarrassment for the silly and stupid ways we have tried to promote the work of God in the energy of the flesh. We will need no athletic personalities and theatrical celebri­ ties on the platform. It will not be drummed up and

put on by mass media. Pentecost was its own pub­ licity; it needed no press agent. Drama will be out, for we shall have reality. The church has always been lowest in spirituality when highest in dramatics. When God comes down, hootenannies will give way to hymns and performance will yield to experience. Gos­ pel jazz will fade away and we shall be chagrined that we ever sank so low as to tolerate it. Big names will mean nothing. The cause of Christ will not need the approval of a politician to give it status, nor a plug from a movie star to put it over. The language and livery of the world will have no place in worship. All these cheap things will vanish in the light of heaven. Men will be aware only of God’s holiness and their sinfulness and no flesh will glory in His presence. Isaiah will cry, “Woe is me!” because his eyes have seen the Lord. The best way to detect counterfeit money is not by studying all kinds of bogus currency. The best way is to know real money so well that all other kinds can be spotted at once. Men and women who know God can discern phony religion instantly and only such people can demonstrate the true. Only those who worship God in spirit and in truth know the difference between religious performance and spiritual experience. But do we have many such peo­ ple today? Can we expect a deep revival in a shallow generation? Most church people have no appetite for the deep things of God. They want cream puffs and soda pop instead of the bread and meat of the Word. When the church gets back to first-hand Christianity, she is not interested in cheap religion. When the Spirit takes over, we lose our taste for sawdust! We need a new vision of God to get us away from the funny boys on television to men of the cross of whom McCheyne wrote: “Men return again and again to the few who have mastered the spiritual secret, whose lives are hid with Christ in God. These are of the old-time religion, hung to the nails of the cross.” F. B. Meyer visited in a Scottish home one day where the new-fallen snow made the morning's wash look gray by contrast. “Mon,” exclaimed the old housewife, “What can stand against God Almighty’s white!” When we see the best we are and can do against the background of God’s holiness, we shall cry “Woe is me!" But there is no hope for us until we are sick of all else and hungry for God in holy desperation. Not satisfied with brass shields, but determined to have gold or nothing. God will not visit us until we reach the end of all our tricks and substi­ tutes and are shipwrecked on Him. If revival does not come, another day IS coming when our Lord returns and that day shall declare it. That day will show up the difference between Chris­ tians and churches that built with wood, hay and stubble and those who built with gold, silver and precious stones. All the trash will go up in smoke and we shall see that what mattered was to take time to be holy and walk with the Lord. KB 13

by I F . Glen Campbell

H ow does the Gospel take root in a heathen village and grow into a flourishing ch u rch ? Missionary Wallace Turnbull relates how this church-planting miracle has taken place in Haiti among illit­ erate mountain peasants steeped in Voodooism. God used their child­ like prayers coupled with confident faith and honest witness of salva­ tion through Jesus Christ. A group of believers began to meet at Kenscoff, a village about three miles up the mountain from the mission church at Fermathe. The work began as an outstation, had a rather slow start, but began to flourish early in 1966. Where there were 20 baptized believers, the church at Fermathe decided in a business meeting that the new group was strong enough to become independent. From their very limited means the Kenscoff Christians contributed all they could toward a new build­ ing. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world with a per capita income under $70 annually. Mr. Turnbull’s mother-in-law, Mrs. Bertha "Granny” Holdeman, made this church a special project and

scoff Christians arrived. Another church is being born — or as the Haitians says, “The Church at Kenscoff is bearing a child.” Each year 2,000 people are won to Christ by the personal witness­ ing of Haitian believers. Over 9 0 % of these people can neither read nor write but they can testify that they have turned from darkness to light, “We know what it is to serve Satan in Voodooism. We know that Satan has power, but we have found that God has more power!" After they are saved, the new Christians bring their Voodoo fet­ ishes to the church or mission sta­ tion where they are gathered for a fetish-burning service. Each person will select his fetishes from the pile and place them on the fire while the congregation sings, “There is Power in the Blood.” The Holy Spirit has used their simple witness and childlike faith to plant over 50 churches in the midst of Satan's stronghold. They have no “patent” on this method— they simply put New Testament principles into practice. KB Photos by Wally Turnbull

channeled some personal gifts to the building fund. One Sunday in September, with part of the galvanized roof nailed on, they met in their new building for the first time. How they re­ joiced as they studied Romans 12 and listened to special music from the Christian radio station at Cap Haitian! “ It gives us a great thrill of emo­ tion each time we look at one of these groups seated in an orderly way and realize that all of them came from a background of raw heathenism,” Missionary Turnbull explains with gratitude to God. At that very time the Kenscoff Church was interested in starting an outstation farther up the moun­ tain at Gibar, another stronghold of Voodooism. One of the men from that community was saved through the witness of the Kenscoff Chris­ tians. He went back home, told his friends and neighbors what Christ had done for him, and when he felt enough were interested, he called for some of the Kenscoff be­ lievers to come and tell them more. There were 36 gathered at his home to hear the Gospel when the Ken­



A watched pot does boil, even under primitive conditions. Most Haitians set their cooking utensils on stones outside their meager huts.

T hree times in the New Testament we read of our being sealed with the Holy Spirit (II Cor. 1:22; Eph. 1:13; 4:30). More accurately, it is not that the Holy Spirit seals us, but that He Himself is the Seal. Harold Barker reminds us that we must be care­ ful not to confuse being born of the Spirit with being sealed. The two things are quite different. We are born of the Spirit in order that we may become the children of God; we are sealed with the Spirit because we are the children of God. When a calf is born on a cattle ranch, the rancher proceeds to brand the new-born creature, not that the calf may become his possession, but because it is already his. It is so with the believer. Having been bought with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Christian is Christ's possession by redemptive right. And because he is Christ’s, God puts the seal or brand of Divine ownership upon him by giving him the Holy Spirit to dwell within him. The sealing takes place immedi­ ately upon the sinner’s acceptance of Jesus Christ. I do not believe that there is a time element involved between the saving and the sealing. When Paul wrote, “After that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise” (Eph. 1:13), he was not speaking of chronological sequence in reference to time. The sequence is a moral one. A preferable reading would be, “having believed, ye were sealed.” The seal, then, signifies ownership. “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord know- eth them that are His . . .” (II Tim. 2:19). When the people sought Jesus for the loaves and fishes, He said, “Labour not for the meat which per- isheth, but for that meat which endureth unto ever­ lasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed” (John 6:27). I take it that this sealing refers back to the time of His baptism at Jordan when He received the Spirit (Matt. 3:16, 17). The Father put His approval upon His Son by sealing Him with the Holy Spirit. The seal was the testimony to His Sonship. Christ had come to present Himself as the Son of God, first to die as the Sacrifice for sin and then to become the daily Portion for the believer. Throughout the remainder of John chapter 6, He claims repeatedly that He is “the Bread of God” (vs. 51). It was because of such claims that the Jews murmured against Him (vs. 41), and from that time on He was under their strictest sur­ veillance. Thus He reminded them that the Father sealed Him with the Holy Spirit as their Messiah sent from Heaven, thereby endorsing Him as God's own Son. In this experience the Christian is like his Lord. We are sealed, then, because we are the children of



“ In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise” (Ephesians 1:13).

by Lehman Strauss



sought to keep the body of Jesus securely sealed in the tomb. Now we know that those enemies of our Lord did not succeed in making the sepulchre sure, for the one reason that the Lord Himself broke their seal, His power being greater than theirs. But since it is God who seals His children, and there is no power as great as His to break His seal, our security can never be imperiled. The Apostle Paul write, “Now he which stablish- eth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God; who hath also sealed us, and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts” (II Cor. 1:21, 22). If language means anything, we are taught here that the believer in Christ is established in Him by means of the indwelling Holy Spirit. That God has taken sinful, weak and defeated men, and saved them and established them forever in Christ is a miracle in human experience. Those who are established in Christ are also “anointed.” The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the common symbol of Divine approval for services. Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, be­ cause he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, an'd recover­ ing of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord" (Luke 4:18, 19 cf. Acts 4:27; 10:38). In the Old Testament, prophets, priests and kings were anointed when appointed to their several offices. God was announcing them as qualified men for their re­ spective offices. In like manner Christians are spoken of as anointed (I John 2:20, 27). Our right to sonship and service is authenticated by God’s sealing us with the Holy Spirit. He who bears the Seal of God upon him is marked as be­ longing to God and as one called to represent God. The word earnest (Gr. arrabou) was used to describe the deposit or down payment made by a purchaser as a guarantee that the balance would be forthcom­ ing. In II Corinthians 5:5, Paul uses it of the Spirit as the guarantee of the Christian’s immortality, that one day he shall arrive in Heaven and never be liable to death again. In the last of his writings, Paul uses the word seal. “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” (II Tim. 2:19). Hymena- eus and Philetus were false teachers seeking to lead others astray, but God was not deceived. God knows His own by virtue of His Seal upon them, and the sealed ones respond by recognizing their relation to God with its corresponding call to holiness. KB 17

God. As redeemed ones, we stand in the efficacy of the shed and sprinkled blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Indwelt by the Spirit, we have the stamp of fitness as sons and servants of God. We may be sure that God will never put His Seal upon one who is not His. On the other hand, we may be equally sure that all who are His have been sealed. God’s sealing of His children, then, is His gracious communication of the Spirit to them. The seal is the mark of security. Once sealed, the child of God is sealed forever. Paul wrote, “. . . ye are sealed unto the day of redemption” (Eph. 4:30). This statement does not refer to the redemption of the soul, for that day is already past for the believer in Christ. But rather does it speak of a redemption still future, “the redemption of our body” (Rom. 8:23). Being subject to death and decay, our bodies have not yet been redeemed. But the day is coming when “we shall be changed” (I Cor. 15:52), and “we shall be like Him” (I John 3:2). At that day the last trace of fallen Adam’s likeness will be removed from us. This is the redemption for which we are still wait­ ing, and until that day we have been sealed. The seal can never be broken nor the believer's position in Christ altered. This is illustrated for us in the case of Darius the king and Daniel. The presi­ dents and princes persuaded Darius to establish a decree that all persons asking a petition of any god save the king, should be cast into the den of lions. The king executed and sealed the decree, not know­ ing that the presidents and princes had plotted against Daniel. But, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, the seal had given finality to the decree so that there was no altering the matter (Dan. 6). It is so with our spiritual sealing. The moment God seals the believing sinner with His Holy Spirit, a relationship is forever established. The seal guaran­ tees eternal security for the child of God. After our Lord’s crucifixion, the chief priests and Pharisees came together in Pilate’s chamber to dis­ cuss the prediction Christ had made concerning His resurrection. They were determined that His body would remain in the grave. They said to Pilate, “Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first. Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can. So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, seajing the stone, and set­ ting a watch” (Matt. 27:63-66). By sealing the sepul­ chre, they sought to make it “sure,” that is, they JUNE, 1970

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