King's Business - 1970-06


SECURITY Close to the sturdy oakthere growsa vine That clings to it for strength when storms assail, If elements at ack where branches twine— It presses closer thatit mightprevail. Thoughtired andagedoaks may some­ times fall, The faithful vine still clings unto the last; Strong only as its roughly textured wall, Weakas the arm on which its tendrils fast. There is a Rock that can withstand al stress, A place of refuge where the weary hide; Adversity’s cold breath but serves to press Those trusting, closer to the Rock’s marred side. It can ot fal noryield unto the sod: The Rock is Christ, beloved Son of God. LORD KEEP THE GLORY DOWN Lord, keep the glory down, Where immortal souls Thy will desire, In hamlets fair or smiling town, Uponour hearts ignite the fire. Lord, keep the glory down, Where saints of God ThySpirit wait, Though some despair and others frown, Be Thoutheir comfort small or great. Lord, keep the glory down, Where thosewho struggle in the gloom, Thy presence know their griefto drown, For Thine abodeprepare them room. Lord, keep the glory down, Where God’s elect Thypraises sing, Forbid discordant note or frown, Be Thousupreme in everything. Lord, keep the glory down, As to ourHeavenly Home we press, Through boundless grace obtain a crown, And in Thyspotless garment dress.

Q. Why is it necessary to keep care­ ful records in the Sunday school? A. In this computer age, business­ men depend on their records as “management tools.” If they trust­ ed only to human memory, they would not long survive! This is true also in the Sunday school where the careful keeping and using of records can help in knowing the past and present status of the school and be a great help in map­ ping out the future. Q. Are records Biblical? A. Yes! Here are some examples of how God in His Word demon­ strates that all things are to be done decently and in order. In the Old Testament, Genesis is a record of beginnings, Exodus records the redemption of Israel out of bond­ age, Numbers enumerates the peo­ ple, Malachi 3:16 tells of a book with the names of those who feared the Lord. In the New Testament, the Gospels give a record of the family of Jesus and Acts tells of the birth and the development of the church. Q. What kinds of records should be kept in the Sunday school? A. There are two types needed: One, “Contact Records” which in­ clude the membership and absen­ tees, prospects, and visitors; two, “Achievement Records” which show the growth of the individual and the effectiveness of the school. Q. Can you suggest a program to be used in following up absentees? A. Yes. 1. During the class time, the sec- JUNE, 1970

retary fills out in duplicate an absentee slip. 2. A copy of this is given to the teacher at the close of the S.S. hour. 3. The following Sunday, these slips are returned, showing the type and result of contact. 4. Types of contact are: a. tele­ phone call, b. postcard, c. teacher visits pupil, d. general superintendent visits, e. Pastor visits. A. If the S.S. is to grow numerical­ ly, prospects must be found and prayerfully contacted. Some sources are: church visitors; church rolls for members not attending the S.S.; relatives of those attending now; friends and relatives, neighbors, newcomers to the area; a church census. Q. How can Sunday school achieve­ ment be recorded? A. There are many methods which should be combined to get a true picture of the S.S. class records showing the 6-point grading system help in watching pupil growth. Re­ port cards may be given quarterly. Teacher evaluation forms are help­ ful. All teachers should be asked to fill them out periodically. Teach­ ers’ personal notebooks, giving in­ formation on the pupils maturing, can be most helpful. Departmental and general superintendents should also keep careful notebooks of the development of their sphere of ministry, Q. What sources can you suggest for prospects for the S.S.?

— Esther Belle Heins

— Col. A. D. Bradley 31

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