In 2008, leaders of SUNY Geneseo and the local Developmental Disabilities Services Office approached Arc GLOW (Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, Wyoming), then The Arc of Livingston- Wyoming, to partner and develop a four-year college experience program for people with disabilities on the SUNY Geneseo campus. Now, 15 years later, alumni and family gathered at SUNY Geneseo on April 10 to celebrate the creation of that program: LIVES.
Tom’s story epitomizes the impact the program has had on many of the people supported through the last 15 years. “Tom was a non-traditional student who achieved his dream of going to college at 51 years old. Tom just wanted to be like everyone else; he wanted to be like his twin brother and other siblings and go to college,” Kennedy said. “Participating in the LIVES program was truly one of the highlights of his life. He never missed a day. He worked hard at being a part of campus, and was able to take a class on meteorology—his passion.” During the LIVES Graduation at the School of Education Convocation in 2012, then SUNY Geneseo President Chris Dahl presented Tom with a special Perseverance Award for his hard work in the program. “This program truly changes lives,” said SUNY Geneseo President Dr. Denise Battles. “I am always inspired when I see LIVES participants on campus, going to classes among the students as vibrant members of our Geneseo community.” One LIVES student who Dr. Battles spoke of was Zachary Mogavero, an artist who produced a sketch of her. The sketch has hung in a place of honor in her kitchen for many years, and since then Mogavero’s art has showed up all around Geneseo. “As a LIVES student, he approached me about using his skills to promote events on campus, and we gratefully accepted his offer,” she said. “This year, he designed the logo for our Geneseo Recognizing Excellence Achievement and Talent celebration, known as GREAT Day. Zach has developed abilities with graphic design and programs like Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator for his work creating signs.” “Because of the LIVES program, Zachary and other participants like him are given the opportunity to develop the talents they have and contribute to the communities in which they live,” Dr. Battles continued.
LIVES, which stands for Learning, Independence, Vocational and Educational Skills, provides an inclusive college experience on the SUNY Geneseo campus. Students are engaged in campus activities, clubs, and organizations. They audit classes and get vocational experience through internships in the community. The program supports the development of independent living skills to enhance success in community and family living, vocational and career exploration, and academic and practical skills. “Our first academic year was 2008-2009, and we started with a small group of students and two staff people from The Arc,” said Kellie Kennedy, Vice President of Day and Employment Services at Arc GLOW. “LIVES was headquartered in the Frasier Library, and was affectionally known as the ‘Fish Bowl.’” Genesee Valley BOCES joined the LIVES program partnership in 2009 and offers similar services for school-age students. Three of the four members of the first class were present at the LIVES Reunion: Kaleb King, Hannah Brown and Justine Deluca. However, The fourth member, Tom Ruf, passed away in 2021 at 63.
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