Employee Benefits Guide 2024-2025
H ere’s Whe re To Find ...
Who Is Eligible?
Making Changes
When Your Coverage Ends
As a valued Armor Health employee, you are continuously performing in our core values that help us deliver our mission – Partnering to improve health care outcomes, provide ongoing support for patients and foster the wellness and wellbeing of the populations we serve. The work you do every day is essential to our success. We appreciate the talented people we have working here, their dedication, resilience, and uncompromised commitment. We reward this hard work with the quality and flexibility you deserve in your health and welfare benefits. Please review this guide carefully as it provides an overview of your benefits program as well as helpful tips to assist you in making an informed decision that best meets you and your family’s needs Armor’s benefits period is from August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025. Disclosure: This guide provides an overview of your benefits. Please refer to your summary plan description for complete details and scope of coverage.
Helpful Insurance Glossary Terms
Medical + GAP Together
Medical GAP
Additional Medical Perks
How to be a Smart Consumer
Health Savings Account (HSA)
Life and Disability Insurance
Disability Income Benefits
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Additional Benefit Offerings
Additional Employee Benefits
Health Plan Notices
Online Benefits Enrollment Instructions
Contact Information
Click here to view your annual notices
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? You are eligible for benefits if you are a regular full-time employee working at least 30 hours per week. You must enroll in benefits when you initially become eligible. For new employees, benefits are effective on the first of the month following your hire date. Following an open enrollment period, benefits become effective August 1. You may also enroll your eligible dependents in the coverage you elect to participate in. Eligible dependents include the following family members: Your legal spouse or domestic partner
Natural, adopted or step-children to age 26 Children under your legal guardianship
Any child who is named in a Qualified Medical Support Order (QMCSO) as defined under federal law Disabled children who have reached the maximum age and who are (or become) physically or mentally incapable of self-support (medical certification required) Young adults between age 27-30 must meet the following eligibility criteria to continue their coverage for medical, dental and vision benefits: Is unmarried and does not have a dependent of his or her own A US resident, or a full-time or part-time student Is not provided coverage as a named subscriber, insured or enrolled under any other group, blanket, or franchise health insurance policy or individual health benefits plan Is not entitled to benefits under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act
MAKING CHANGES Generally, you may only make changes to your benefit elections during an annual open enrollment period, unless you experience a Qualified Life Event. Common life events that may affect a change to your current elections include: Change in Marital Status Birth, legal adoption or placement for adoption of a dependent child Dependent child reaches limiting age
Spouse gains or loses employment eligibility with current employer’s sponsored plan Spouse or dependent becomes eligible or ineligible for Medicare/Medicaid CHIP Change in residence that affects eligibility for coverage
Court-ordered change Death of a dependent
Any change to your benefits must be consistent with the Qualified Life Event. You must submit your change request along with proof (i.e., marriage certificate, divorce decree, birth certificate, or loss/gain of coverage letter) within 30 days following the life event. All requested enrollment changes due to qualifying events, except for a birth of a child or as otherwise permitted by IRS Section 125 rules, are made effective on the first of the month following the date of the request. WHEN COVERAGE ENDS If you leave the company, the following plan termination rules apply for when your coverage will end following your employment termination. Medical, Medical GAP, Dental, Vision* - last day of the calendar month
Health Savings Account - last day of the calendar month Life and Disability Insurance - on your termination date Aflac Benefits, Legal Plan, Pet Insurance - last day of the calendar month
*Upon termination you will have the option to continue these coverages through COBRA. Portability and conversion options may be available for certain benefits.
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
About Your Medical Coverage Options Armor Health understands that choice is important, so you have the option to choose from two health package offerings that includes UnitedHealthcare comprehensive (primary) health coverage paired with a supplemental GAP plan (secondary medical coverage). Both UnitedHealthcare health plans are Open Access (OA), allowing you the freedom to see specialists without referrals from a primary care physician.
UnitedHealthcare Primary Medical Coverage Two Comprehensive Health Plans. z In-Network Only Choice z In/Out Network HDHP/HSA Choice Plus Both Open Access (OA) Plans
Loomis Secondary Medical GAP GAP coverage is automatically paired with UnitedHealthcare plan. Plan is designed to “fill the gaps” of the underlying primary UnitedHealthcare plan. Reimburses out-of-pocket deductible inpatient and outpatient medical expenses.
Major Medical Health Plan: Term used to describe primary and comprehensive health coverage and meets insurance and state requirements. Medical GAP Plan: Supplemental and sometimes referred as secondary medical insurance coverage that helps pay for covered medical expenses you incur using your major medical plan for in-patient hospital or out-patient settings (diagnostics, urgent or emergency care, etc) as defined by the medical plan. Deductible: The annual amount you and your family pay for healthcare services before the plan begins to pay. Calendar Year Plan: Benefit plans in which the deductible and out-of-pocket accumulators reset each January. Prior Authorization or Precertification: Applies to certain complex medical treatments or prescription drugs that require approval from the medical carrier before you receive care. In-network providers file these requests on your behalf. Out-of-Pocket Maximum: The maximum annual amount you and your family must pay for eligible healthcare expenses. Deductible, copays, and coinsurance (if applicable) accumulate towards this limit. Once met, the plan pays 100% of covered medical expenses for the remainder of the calendar year.
Copayment (Copay): A flat dollar amount you pay for medical services or prescription drugs regardless of the actual amount charged by your doctor. Copays accumulate towards your plan’s out-of-pocket maximum but do not apply towards the deductible.
Inpatient: Services provided during an overnight hospital stay.
Outpatient Services: Treatment provided at a hospital without an overnight hospital. Also includes various medical services such as diagnostic tests, treatments or procedures conducted in an outpatient facility. In-Network Benefits: Healthcare providers that have set contracted rates with the insurance company and has agreed to accept the plan. When you use in-network providers, you pay less for services because the plan pays a higher percentage of covered expenses.
Out-of-Network: Health care providers that are not contracted or participate in a plan’s network.
Specialty Drugs: High-cost prescription medications used to treat complex and chronic conditions that require precertification.
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
MEDICAL UnitedHealthcare
UnitedHealthcare’s Choice plan provides in-network only benefits. If you choose this plan, you will be automatically enrolled in Loomis Choice GAP plan which provides reimbursement of inpatient hospital and outpatient medical expenses you may incur using your UnitedHealthcare primary coverage. To search for a UnitedHealthcare Choice provider, visit myuhc.com and select “ Find a Doctor .” Follow the prompts and choose the plan’s network - Choice.
UnitedHealthcare INN Choice
Loomis Medical GAP Choice Compatible Plan
Provider Network
In-Network Only
Per Insured DED Limit N/A First dollar coverage applied to in/out-patient out-of-pocket medical expenses Combined Inpatient / Outpatient Benefit
Calendar Year Deductible (DED) Individual / Family (Emb)
$8,150 / $16,300
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
Individual / Family
$8,150 / $16,300
$4,000 / $12,000
Member Coinsurance
Office Visits
Preventive & Wellness Care
100% covered
$30 copay $30 copay $55 copay
not covered
Primary Care Physician
Non-Emergent Care
Convenience Care Clinic
$30 copay
not covered
Emergency Care Emergency Room
$0 after ded $75 copay
outpatient benefit
Urgent Care
Hospital Services
Inpatient Care
$0 after ded $0 after ded
inpatient benefit outpatient benefit
Outpatient Surgery
Independent Diagnostic Facility
100% covered $0 after ded
outpatient benefit
Diagnostics & Complex Imaging
Prescription Drugs (retail 30 day supply)
Tier 1 / Generic
$10 copay $45 copay $85 copay
Tier 2 / Brand and Generic Equivalent
prescriptions are not eligible as a covered expense under a gap plan
Tier 3 / Non-preferred Brand
Tier 4 / Specialty
30% / $250 max copay
Mail-Order (90 day supply) Excluded Network Access: Employees who reside AL, AK, HI, MS, MT, NC, NM or OK access the UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus network. 2.5x retail cost
*Designated Diagnostic Providers (DDP) – are outpatient imaging service providers that meet certain quality and efficiency requirements. To ensure you receive the highest level of coverage, you must use an in-network DDP, otherwise you will have a higher cost-share and end up paying more out-of-pocket for those services.
MEDICAL UnitedHealthcare
UnitedHealthcare Choice+ HDHP is a qualified HSA plan and provides in/out-of-network benefits. You can receive care from a non-participating health provider, but you will receive a lower level of benefits. Staying in-network when possible ensures that you receive higher level of benefits. If you choose this plan, you will be automatically enrolled in Loomis HSA Compatible GAP plan which provides reimbursement of inpatient hospital and outpatient medical expenses you may incur using your UnitedHealthcare primary coverage. Loomis GAP benefits kick in once you have met the minimum plan deductible threshold set by IRS rules on HSA qualified HDHP. Remaining qualified out-of-pocket expenses will be covered under GAP. To search for a UnitedHealthcare Choice+ HDHP provider, visit myuhc.com and select “ Find a Doctor .” Follow the prompts and choose the plan’s network - Choice Plus.
UnitedHealthcare HDHP/HSA
Loomis Medical GAP HSA Compatible Plan Per Insured DED Limit $1,600 / $3,200
Provider Network
Choice Plus In-Network
Calendar Year Deductible (DED) Individual / Family (Emb)
After $1,600 / $3,200 minimum deductible amount is met, GAP plan starts to cover additional out of pocket expenses up to max benefit. Combined Inpatient / Outpatient Benefit
$7,000 / $14,000
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
Individual / Family
$7,000 / $14,000
$5,400 / $10,800
Member Coinsurance
Office Visits
Preventive & Wellness Care
100% covered 0% after ded 0% after ded 0% after ded
not covered
Primary Care Physician
Non-Emergent Care
Convenience Care Clinic
0% after ded
Emergency Care Emergency Room
0% after ded 0% after ded
outpatient benefit
Urgent Care
Hospital Services
Inpatient Care
0% after ded 0% after ded
inpatient benefit outpatient benefit
Outpatient Surgery
Independent Diagnostic Facility
Labs & X-Rays
0% after ded 0% after ded
outpatient benefit
Diagnostics & Complex Imaging
Prescription Drugs (retail 30 day supply)
Tier 1 / Generic
0% after ded 0% after ded 0% after ded 0% after ded 0% after ded
Tier 2 / Brand & Generic Equivalent Tier 3 / Non-preferred Brand Tier 4 / Specialty & Injectables
Prescriptions are not eligible as a covered expense under a gap plan
Mail-Order (90 day supply)
Excluded Excluded
Deductible (Individual / Family)
$14,000 / $28,000
Member Coinsurance
not covered
Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Individual / Family) $24,000 / $48,000 *Designated Diagnostic Providers (DDP) – are outpatient imaging service providers that meet certain quality and efficiency requirements. To ensure you receive the highest level of coverage, you must use an in-network DDP, otherwise you will have a higher cost-share and end up paying more out-of-pocket for those services. 8
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
MEDICAL + GAP TOGETHER Understanding the coordination of your health and GAP plan benefits will provide more clarity on the value you and your covered family members receive. The following examples illustrate the out-of-pocket costs of each health plan offered to assist your decision-making process when electing medical benefits. How does it work with UnitedHealthcare Choice Plan?
EPO GAP | Individual Benefit | $4,000 4 Outpatient surgery is covered after meeting plan’s deductible
Consider this...
Your Orthopedic Doctor Calls You need shoulder surgery.
Choice Plan Annual Individual
Surgery will be performed at an Outpatient Surgical Facility.
4 You’re responsible for the entire out-of-pocket expense
Deductible & Out-of-Pocket $8,150
Office confirms estimated
4 GAP covers this expense under the plan’s outpatient benefit 4 Maximum out-of-pocket cost after GAP benefit is applied:
contracted cost with insurance
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Cost:
How does it work with UnitedHealthcare Choice+?
HSA GAP | Individual Benefit | $5,400 4 HSA plans cover medical expenses after meeting plan’s deductible 4 You’re responsible for the entire ER out-of-pocket expense 4 GAP covers this expense under the plan’s outpatient benefit once $1,600 of health plan’s overall deductible has been met. 4 Maximum out-of-pocket cost after GAP benefit is applied:
Consider this...
Accident – Ankle Injury
Suffered accident tripping over your kid’s LEGOs!
Potential ankle sprain.
Choice+ Plan Annual Individual
You go to Hospital ER
Deductible & Out-of-Pocket $7,000
After triage, clerk sees you to collect contracted insurance estimate.
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Cost:
Submitting your medical GAP claim is easy. Simply provide both medical insurance ID cards upon service – your UnitedHealthcare primary medical and the Loomis GAP ID cards. Two easy ways to file a claim
Present UnitedHealthcare & Loomis ID cards Provider can file direct claims to Loomis Benefits will be assigned to provider
Register on Loomis member portal File your claim for reimbursment of covered expenses Include the UnitedHealthcare medical explaination of benefits with your claim, or Provider’s itemized bill
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
The UnitedHealthcare Mobile App
UnitedHealthcare Rewards Participating in a wellness program can offer numerous benefits for your overall health and well-being. If you or your spouse are enrolled in one of Armor’s health plans, you can each earn up to $1,000 of UHC Rewards by completing qualifying wellness activities and choosing your preferred method to redeem incentives. Signing up is simple: Get activated – Sign in to the UnitedHealthcare app, click on the Menu tab and activate UHC Rewards. Get Going – Choose from rewards activities built for a wide variety of interests – connect a tracker for even more opportunities to earn. Get Real Dollars – The money that is earned can be put on a Visa gift card or applied to other redemption options. There are 2 ways to get started… 1. On the UnitedHealthcare app – Scan the code below to download app, sign in or register, select UHC Rewards, activate UHC Rewards and start earning!
The UnitedHealthcare mobile app lets you easily access your healthcare information and gives you tools to help estimate costs, manage claims and find providers — anytime and anywhere. It’s built to be your go-to healthcare resource when you’re on the go. Search for the myuhc.com mobile app on your smart phone. Get the app and log on with Touch ID ® .
oid ™ .
Telemedicine Get access to U.S. board-certified doctors 24/7/365 with UnitedHealthcare Virtual Care Visits. It does not replace your primary care physician, but it is an affordable option for quality care. Doctors can diagnose and treat common medical issues such as a cold, flue, fever, sinusitis, or a behavioral health professional can help work through challenges such as anxiety or grief. Doctors may write prescriptions, if appropriate. You must be enrolled in one of the health plans to access care. Sign up now! It’s FREE to enroll and available through MyUHC.com or download the myUHC app. Maternity Support Program If you are thinking about having a baby or have one on the way, the Maternity Support Program can help through your pregnancy and after giving birth. Learn more about this invaluable service that is available at no cost. Visit myuhc.phs.com/maternitysupport or call a maternity nurse at 1-877-201-5328.
the U.S. and other countries. Android is a trademark
otherwise required, benefits are available only when are not intended to address emergency or life- be available at all times or in all locations. ts are underwritten by Oxford Health Plans (NJ), Inc.
2. On myuhc.com – Sign in or register, select UHC Rewards, Activate UHC Rewards , choose rewards activities that inspire you – and start earning! .
Cost Estimator Different doctors and hospitals may charge different amounts for the same service. Myuhc.com can help you compare costs based on your own benefits. Pharmacy Mail-Order Instead of picking up your medications every month, have them mailed to your home or a location of your choice. Use OptumRx – UnitedHealthcare’s home delivery provider to help manage the medications you take regularly. Home delivery is reliable, convenient, and cost effective. Choose home delivery by: 1. Going online – visit myuhc.com to register and follow the simple step-by-step instructions. 2. By Phone – Call the member phone number on the back of your plan ID card. 3. ePrescribe – Your doctor can send an electronic prescription to OptumRx.
PPACA No Cost-Share Preventive Medications
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) requires plans to cover certain preventive medications and products at 100%, or no cost-share ($0) to you. These recommendations are meant to help prevent disease, as well as meet women’s unique health care needs. Your pharmacy will need a prescription to process the medication at no cost so be sure to obtain a prescription from your doctor. A list of these preventative medications can be found on the “PPACA No Cost- Share Preventive Medications” list. Pharmacy Tips & Discounts Verify the prescription drug tier using the plan’s formulary list. Use the drug cost estimator tool by visiting OptumRx.com . Ask if a generic drug or if mail order is available. See if your drug has a patient assistance program. Visit local retailers – Publix, Walgreens, and Walmart to see if your medication is included in their own discount programs and pay less. Prescription online sites like GoodRx and WellRx can help you save instantly. Visit wellrx.com and goodrx.com or download the mobile app to save on the go!
Note : Prescriptions acquired under these online discount programs do not go through your insurance.
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
OPTUM BANK Available to employees enrolled in the HDHP health plan.
A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax-advantaged savings account that can be used for your qualified healthcare expenses. You own your HSA and can contribute to the account with pre-tax payroll deductions based on your needs. Did you know an HSA provides triple tax benefits? The money you contribute is pre-tax, and the interest that accumulates in the account is tax-free. In addition, money withdrawn from an HSA isn’t taxed, provided you use it for qualified healthcare expenses. Like a savings account, you will only be able to withdraw funds that are in the account.
You can use the account to pay for qualified healthcare expenses.
Unspent dollars roll over each year and are yours to keep if you retire or leave the company.
You can invest your HSA funds, so your available healthcare dollars can grow over time.
You are eligible if:
No one else can claim you as a dependent
You are not covered by a spouse’s plan
You are enrolled in the HDHP HSA
You are not enrolled in Medicare, TRICARE, or TRICARE for Life
You have not received VA benefits in the past 3 months
How Do I Access/Make Contributions to My HSA? During your enrollment period, you set-up pre-tax payroll contributions and can adjust the amount at any time throughout the year, but keep in mind that it may take up to two payroll periods for changes to be processed. You can manage your HSA and explore all the helpful resources available to you by visiting OptumBank.com . IRS Maximum Contribution Limits
Up to $4,150 for individual Up to $8,300 for family 2024
Up to $4,300 for individual Up to $8,550 for family
*For employees aged 55 or older, an annual catch up contribution of $1,000 is allowed. *Special Rules apply to Medicare eligible employees. Turning 65 in the upcoming year? Click here to learn more 13
DENTAL UnitedHealthcare
It’s important to have regular dental exams and cleanings so problems are detected before they become painful – and expensive! Armor Health dental plans provide in and out-of-the network coverage – from routine check-ups to more serious dental work. You will generally pay less for services if you see an in-network provider and more if you choose to go out of-network. You will be billed the difference between what UnitedHealthcare pays and what your out-of- network provider charges.
Visit uhc.com or log-in to your myuhc.com portal to find an in-network dentist. UnitedHealthcare Low Plan
UnitedHealthcare High Plan National Options PPO 30
National Options PPO 20
Calendar Year Deductible (DED)
In / Out-Network
In / Out-Network
Individual / Family
$50 / $150
$50 / $150
Calendar Year Maximum Cleanings Frequency
twice per year 100% covered 0% after ded 50% after ded 50% after ded
twice per year 100% covered 0% after ded 40% after ded 50% after ded
Preventive and Diagnostic Services
Basic Services Major Services
Orthodontia (adults / children)
Lifetime Maximum
Out-of-Network Reimbursement
MAC Fee Schedule
U&C 90th
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
VISION UnitedHealthcare
Our vision care benefits include coverage for routine eye exams, lenses, frames, and contact lenses as well as discounts for laser surgery. You have the freedom to access an expanded network of providers contracted under UnitedHealthcare Spectera network. When possible, consider staying in-network when seeking care to get the most bang for your buck! If you do use out-of-network benefits, then you will be reimbursed for services according to policy’s maximum.
Visit myuhc.com and click “find a doctor” in the top-right corner and then select “Find vision care providers” or call 1-800-638-3120.
UnitedHealthcare Vision
Exams (once per 12 months)
$10 $25
reimbursed up to $40
Materials Copay Retinal Imaging
allowance not covered
up to $39
Lenses (once per 12 months) Single
100% after copay 100% after copay 100% after copay 100% after copay
up to $40 up to $60 up to $80 up to $80
Bifocal Trifocal
Frames (once per 24 months)
$130 allowance, plus 30% discount
reimbursed up to $45
Retail and Independent Contact Lenses* (once per 12 months)
$130 allowance, plus 15% discount
up to $105
Elective/Conventional Medically Necessary Fitting and Evaluation
100% covered
reimbursed up to $210 applied to allowance
Up to $40
* Contact lenses in lieu of frames.
Remember to assign a Beneficiary to your life policy(ies).
Life Insurance Life insurance is an important part of your financial security, especially if others depend on you for support.
Armor Health provides you with Basic Life insurance in the amount of $50,000 and a matching benefit of Accidental Death/Dismemberment (AD&D) at no cost to you. All eligible employees are automatically enrolled in this coverage.
You have the option to purchase additional life insurance for yourself and your eligible spouse and dependent child(ren). You must elect coverage to enroll your dependents. The cost is based on your age and coverage amount you choose and is paid through post-tax payroll deductions.
UnitedHealthcare Voluntary Life and AD&D
Maximum $500,000 $250,000 $10,000
Guaranteed Issue
Employee Vol Life/AD&D Spouse Vol Life/AD&D
$10,000 $10,000 $2,500
$150,000 $40,000 $10,000
Child Vol Life/AD&D
Benefit Reduction Schedule starts at age 75 and applies to both life insurance policies. Refer to the plan summaries for complete details.
Evidence of Insurability (EOI) Requirements Initial Enrollment: Upon your initial benefits eligibility, you can elect up to the guaranteed issue amount for yourself and spouse without having to complete an EOI. Annual Open Enrollment: You may elect coverage for yourself and spouse if you previously declined it but you will be required to provide an EOI for any amount chosen. Current enrolled employees and spouses may increase up to one benefit unit annually without completing an EOI. Amount exceeding the guaranteed issue will require an EOI submitted to UnitedHealthcare. Child(ren) are guaranteed all amounts and EOI does not apply.
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
When you’re healthy, it’s hard to imagine not being able to work because of a serious illness or injury. But a disability that keeps you out of work could have a devastating impact on your income, jeopardizing your ability to cover normal household expenses. Disability insurance continues a portion of your income if you become unable to perform your regular job duties for an extended period of time due to a qualified illness or injury. Armor Health provides voluntary short-term and long-term disability insurance. Your cost will depend on your age and the coverage amount you choose. Premiums are paid through post-tax payroll deductions. Refer to each plan’s summary for evidence of insurability requirements and pre-existing condition limitations. Aflac UnitedHealthcare Benefits Voluntary STD Voluntary LTD Benefits Begin 14th day of illness or injury After 90 days Benefits Payable Lump-Sum Monthly Benefit amount 60% of your base salary 60% of your base salary Maximum Benefit $4,000 per month $6,000 per month Depending on where you live/work, you may be entitled to a state disability benefit. Benefits under this plan would be reduced by the benefit you receive from your state. Family Medical Leave Act: ComPsych You may be eligible for unpaid leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Armor Health has partnered with ComPsych who will be responsible for administering your FMLA leave. Please contact them directly to initiate your request. FMLA provides up to 12 work weeks of unpaid leave during a rolling 12 month period due to your own serious health condition, care for a family member who has a serious health condition, or to care for a newborn, adopted or newly placed foster child. Employees with family members in the military have expanded leave rights under FMLA. These employees may take up to 26 work weeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for a spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin who has sustained a serious injury or illness during active duty
Life’s personal and family related issues shouldn’t make it hard to get through the day. It can make a big difference just knowing that you will have someone who will listen, understand and suggest next steps. Armor Health provides employees and their families with free confidential EAP service to help with such issues as: Confidential consultations and counseling to help employees address grief or loss, as well as family, relationship and workplace concerns. Employees have unlimited, 24/7 access to EAP specialists who can provide in-person referrals to one of our 128,000 network clinicians nationwide. A digital engagement hub that features an extensive library of work-life resources, assessments, videos, mindfulness and resiliency tools, and more. Legal assistance and financial coaching: Employees can consult with attorneys and financial specialists at no initial cost, with discounted fees if they retain an attorney. myliveandworkwell mobile app and other resources that provide confidential, on-the-go access. To search for a UnitedHealthcare in-network provider, please visit www.myuhc.com or call 1-877-660-3806.
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
ARAG Legal Plans With ARAG, members have access to a nationwide network of attorneys who can address their legal needs in- person or by telephone. Members have representation whether the legal matter is contested or uncontested and either they are the plaintiff or defendant. When members use a network attorney, fees are 100% paid in full for most covered matters.
You have the option to choose from two legal plans: Ultimate Core – Advisor without Divorce
Ultimate Enhanced – Advisor Plus (includes divorce and identify theft) Search, locate and connect with network attorneys in multiple ways:
Visit ARAGLegal.com
Call ARAG Customer Care
Use the ARAG Legal app
Aflac Benefits Accident 24 plan provides variable cash benefits that helps provide a financial cushion in the event an accident occurs on or off the job. The plan also includes accidental death and dismemberment benefit. Critical Illness with Cancer helps pay out-of-pocket and living expenses related to the treatment of a covered critical illness diagnosis. Hospital Indemnity plans provide coverage to help pay for some of the costs – medical and nonmedical – associated with a hospital stay due to a sickness or accidental injury. Choose from a High/Low benefit options.
Pet Benefit Solutions Discount Bundle The Total Pet plan is a four-bundle discount program that provides everything pets need for one low price! The pet care bundle includes everyday savings on veterinary care, pet products, medications, and access to other pet care services. It also provides unlimited pet telehealth service and durable ID tags. There are no pre-exiting conditions that apply so you can cover all your pets regardless of age, breed, or condition. Refer to the plan’s summary for complete details, limitations, and pricing. www.petbenefits.com/land/armorhealth
Tuition Reimbursement and Continuing Education
Included in this program, you will have access to Fidelity’s Student Loan Tool calculator that will help you create strategies for paying off your student debt. Payments will be made directly to the loan service provider. Enrolled employees can access their benefit dashboard online any time. Visit www.netbenefits.com to register and learn more! 401(k) Retirement Benefit Eligible full-time employees may enroll in Armor’s 401(k) plan on the first of the month following 60 days of employment. You can choose if you want to participate in the plan, how much you want to contribute, where you want to invest your dollars and whether you want to contribute pre-tax or post-tax. Your contributions are 100% vested and may not exceed the 2024 IRS maximum amount of $23,000. Employees aged 50 or older are eligible for additional catch-up contributions of $7,500 in 2024. Armor’s 401(k) Plan is administered by Lincoln Financial. Once you enroll, you will be able to manage your contributions, check balances and change allocations online at www.LincolnFinancial.com. Lincoln Financial Group offers employees 24/7 resources to learn about managing key life milestones and everyday financial matters so you can build strong financial habits that will help you work toward short- and long-term goals. For example, you will be able to log in and use the retirement income estimator to see if your savings are on track to meet retirement goals.
Armor Health’s tuition reimbursement program is available to full time employees who have completed one year of service. Armor will reimburse part of tuition and registration (up to $1,000 annually) for educational programs at accredited schools. The classes must be related to your current job, and will be based on the letter grade received. You can also receive reimbursement for the initial costs associated for certain professional certifications. The company also provides Continuing Medical Education (CME) reimbursements to full-time eligible employees that have completed one year of service. This benefit is designed to assist our clinical staff with paid time off (up to 40 hours) and financial support (up to $1,500) depending on your position. This benefit is paid annually based on a twelve month period. Nurse Loan Reimbursement Program The company has partnered with Fidelity Investments to offer immediate financial relief to practicing nurses who have student loan repayment obligations. Our crafted program includes the following benefits: Armor will contribute up to $170 per month towards the loan of an eligible full-time practicing nurse averaging 30 hours or more per week. Armor will contribute up to $85 per month towards the loan of an eligible part-time practicing nurse averaging less than 30 hours per week. Armor will pay a lifetime maximum up to $10,000.
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
Special Rules Regarding Medicare and Your HSA
Year-Round Service You can access your benefits year-round through Paylocity . Submit new elections and supporting documentation when you have a qualifying life event. Review your elected benefits. Change how you’re contributing to your HSA. Contribution changes can be made at any time without a qualifying life event. Note : changes may take 1-2 pay periods to take effect. Check and update your beneficiary information for term life insurance and accidental death and dismemberment coverage. HSA beneficiaries can be updated on PayFlex website. Legal Notices Armor Heath complies with several laws regarding benefit offerings. You can view these notices online. As you enroll in your benefits, you will be asked if you would like to receive these notices by mail or view online. These include: Medicare Part D Creditable Coverage Notice HIPAA Comprehensive Notice of Privacy Policy and Procedures Notice of Special Enrollment Rights General COBRA Notice Notice of Right to Designate Primary Care Provider and of No Obligation for Pre-Authorization for OB/GYN Care Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Notice Michelle’s Law Notice Premium Assistance Under Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
Neither an employer nor the employee can make pre-tax contributions to an HSA if the employee has Medicare Part A or B. If you do not draw Social Security benefits, you are not required to start Medicare Part A or B at age 65. If you are not receiving Social Security and have declined Medicare, but your spouse is covered under Medicare, you can still use your HSA funds to pay for your spouse’s expenses. As the account owner, your participation in Medicare is what determines eligibility, not your spouse’s participation. If you receive Social Security benefits, you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A, so you are not eligible to make or receive pre-tax HSA contributions. If you begin Social Security benefits during 2024, Social Security will automatically award you Medicare benefits retroactively. Your Medicare start date will be the month of your 65th birthday, or six months prior to the month in which you apply for Social Security benefits. If you have Medicare, you can still elect a consumer- driven health plan, but you are not eligible to make or receive pre-tax contributions to an HSA. You are eligible to receive funds in a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA). Turning 65 in 2024? Know the facts about Medicare and Your HSA If you or your spouse will turn 65 in the coming year, you are encouraged to watch this educational video aimed to help answer many common questions about decisions you need to make now and learn more about Medicare and Social Security. For more about HSA and Medicare rules: Review Optum Financial Medicare/HSA guide for complete eligibility details. There are special rules about Medicare coverage and HSA contributions. If you’re age 65 or older, you’ll want to consider the following:
Article ID: PCTY-68940 Complete a bswift Enrollment Event
1.Access bswift. 2. Select Start Your Enrollment . 3. Review Employee Demographic Information: Make any necessary updates in the Self-Service Portal. Those updates will re � ect in bswift within 24 hours.
Select I agree at the bottom of the page. Select Continue in the right sidebar menu.
4. Review Family Information:
Select Edit to change an existing dependent’s demographic information. Select Add Dependents to enter a new dependent.
Select I agree at the bottom of the page. Select Continue in the right sidebar menu.
5.Enter Bene � t Elections:
Complete the following steps for Medical, Dental, and Vision Plans: 1. Select View Plan Options. 2.Select which Dependents to cover. 3. Select Continue. 4. Select View plan details to review any applicable plan information. 5.Select the appropriate Plan or Waive option.
Complete the following steps for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): 1. Select View Plan Options. 2.Enter the appropriate Employee Contribution Amount. The allowable contribution amount gets limited by any applicable employer contributions. 3. Select Calculate Costs to see what the annual amount entered breaks down to on a per-pay basis.
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
4. Select Continue.
Complete the following steps for Basic Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Plans: 1.Employees do not need to make an election in these plans. These bene � ts are typically provided by the employer at no cost to the employee. 2. Select View Information to see more plan details. Complete the following steps for Voluntary Employee, Spouse, Domestic Partner, or Child Life and AD&D Plans: 1. Select View Plan Options. 2. Select View plan details to review any applicable plan information. 3.Select appropriate Plan or Waive option. 4.Select the appropriate Coverage Amount in the dropdown menu. 5. Select Continue.
Complete the following steps for Voluntary Short Term Disability (STD) or Long Term Disability (LTD) Plans: 1. Select View Plan Options. 2. Select View plan details to review any applicable plan information. 3.Select the appropriate Plan or Waive option.
4. Select Continue to enroll in the plan.
5 . Select Continue. Complete the following steps for Flexible Spending Accounts (Healthcare, Dependent Care, Parking, & Transportation): 1. Select View Plan Options. 2.Select the appropriate Plan or Waive option. 3.Enter the appropriate Employee Contribution Amount. 4. Select Calculate Costs to see what the annual amount entered breaks down to on a per-pay basis. 5. Select Continue. 5 . Select Continue.
9.Review all selections. 10. Select Edit Selection to make changes to any elections. 11. Select I agree, and I’m Ò nished with my enrollment and Complete Enrollment to submit the enrollment. 9.Review all selections. 10. Select Edit Selection to make changes to any elections. 11. Select I agree, and I’m Ò nished with my enrollment and Complete Enrollment to submit the enrollment. 6. Review all selections. 7. Select Edit Selection to make changes to any elections. 8. Select I agree, and I’m finished with my enrollment and Complete Enrollment to submit the enrollment.
Complete the following steps for Information Only Plans: 1.Employees will not enroll in these plans in the bswift system. 2. Select View Information for more information on how to enroll.
6. Select Continue in the right sidebar menu after making all selections. 7.Enter any necessary Bene Ò ciary Information.
12. Select View to view a Con � rmation Statement outlining the bene � ts elected. 13. Select Email to receive an email containing a Con � rmation Statement outlining the bene � ts elected. 14. Select Print to print out a Con � rmation Statement outlining the bene � ts elected. 12. Select View to view a Con � rmation Statement outlining the bene � ts elected. 13. Select Email to receive an email containing a Con � rmation Statement outlining the bene � ts elected.
2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide
12. Select View to view a Con � rmation Statement outlining the bene � ts elected. 13. Select Email to receive an email containing a Con � rmation Statement outlining the bene � ts elected. 14. Select Print to print out a Con � rmation Statement outlining the bene � ts elected. 9. S elect View to view a Confirmation Statement outlining the benefits elected.. 10. Select Email to receive an email containing a Confirmation Statement outlining the benefit elected. 11. Select Print to print out a Confirmation Statement outlining the benefits elected.
Important Information: Refer to complete a bswift enrollment with Ask Emma, if utilizing the Ask Emma Decision Support tool. Important Information: y Refer to complete a bswift enrollment with Ask Emma, if utilizing the Ask Emma Decision Support tool. y Contact the Human Resources (HR) department for any additional assistance.
Medical/Rx Plan UnitedHealthcare 866.801.4409 www.myuhc.com Dental and Vision UnitedHealthcare 866.801.4409
Legal Plans ARAG 800.247.4184 Service@ARAGlegal.com Pet Benefit Solutions 800.891.2565 www.petbenefits.com/land/armorhealth customer.care@petbenefits.com 401(k) Retirement Lincoln Financial 800.510.4015 www.LincolnFinancial.com Nurse Loan Reimbursement Program Fidelity Investments 866.711.0350 www.netbenefits.com Plan ID: 7000198 Human Resources Jessica Alvarez, Director of Payroll & Benefits 786.783.4640 jalvarez@armorhealthcare.com AskHR askhr@armorhealthcare.com
www.myuhc.com Medical Gap The Loomis Group 866.218.6020 www.loomisco.com Life AD&D and Disability UnitedHealthcare 888.887.4114 www.uhc.com Employee Assistance Program UnitedHealthcare
877.660.3806 www.uhc.com Health Savings Account Optum Bank 800.791.9361 www.optumbank.com Aflac Sandra Velazquez 786.252.7150 sandra_velazquez@us.aflac.com
ABOUT THIS GUIDE This guide includes highlights of Armor Health’s employee benefits program. Great care has been taken to ensure that this overview is accurate. However, oversights can occur, or condensed summaries may be misinterpreted. If there is a difference between this guide and the insurance official plan documents, the insurance documents will govern.
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