2024-2025 Armor Health_OE Benefit Guide

2024-2025 Armor Health Benefits Guide

MEDICAL + GAP TOGETHER Understanding the coordination of your health and GAP plan benefits will provide more clarity on the value you and your covered family members receive. The following examples illustrate the out-of-pocket costs of each health plan offered to assist your decision-making process when electing medical benefits. How does it work with UnitedHealthcare Choice Plan?

EPO GAP | Individual Benefit | $4,000 4 Outpatient surgery is covered after meeting plan’s deductible

Consider this...

Your Orthopedic Doctor Calls „ You need shoulder surgery.

Choice Plan Annual Individual

„ Surgery will be performed at an Outpatient Surgical Facility.

4 You’re responsible for the entire out-of-pocket expense

Deductible & Out-of-Pocket $8,150

„ Office confirms estimated

4 GAP covers this expense under the plan’s outpatient benefit 4 Maximum out-of-pocket cost after GAP benefit is applied:

contracted cost with insurance

Estimated Out-of-Pocket Cost:



How does it work with UnitedHealthcare Choice+?

HSA GAP | Individual Benefit | $5,400 4 HSA plans cover medical expenses after meeting plan’s deductible 4 You’re responsible for the entire ER out-of-pocket expense 4 GAP covers this expense under the plan’s outpatient benefit once $1,600 of health plan’s overall deductible has been met. 4 Maximum out-of-pocket cost after GAP benefit is applied:

Consider this...

Accident – Ankle Injury

„ Suffered accident tripping over your kid’s LEGOs!

„ Potential ankle sprain.

Choice+ Plan Annual Individual

„ You go to Hospital ER

Deductible & Out-of-Pocket $7,000

„ After triage, clerk sees you to collect contracted insurance estimate.

Estimated Out-of-Pocket Cost:




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