Sol Connection Vol.1 - Issue 2

Donors Decide what is best for your family in regards to a known donor (i.e. friend, family, or donor via sperm bank that the child can reach out to and find once they become 18) or unknown donor (mostly sperm banks). Nevada, currently, doesn’t have a donor sperm/egg bank. If you are using a known donor or partner, you can use any of the fertility centers we have. California is the closest sperm/egg bank, but there are others. If you decide to use a sperm/egg bank there is testing that you must complete for your health. This can be done with a provider of your choosing. If you do decide to go with a known donor you may want to consider: What relationship will that person have with my child? Do we want them to be active in their life, recognized as a parent or as a relative/friend only. Depending on your answers, you need to move to make it legal (whichever way you go). Even if you decide they’re a parent as well, you may want to consider a second adoption (or not). All of these are personal choices. If using a donor be mindful that many sperm/egg banks do not have a large BIPOC database. Other Resources to learn about specific topics and hear others’ stories. Pink Families-Provides information and resources for LGBTI families and their supporters and celebrates the

many shapes families can be. Birthing Beyond the Binary MAIA Midwifery & Fertility


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