Sol Connection Vol.1 - Issue 2

Sunday Dinner Collard Greens By Tosha (She/Her)

What significance does this recipe have for you? SUNDAY DINNER! It would always start with smoked meat boiling in the pot and women at the table picking and cleaning greens. It is the smell of love; it’s the smell of family; it’s the smell of making it through the week with joy! Does your family or culture have any sayings or quotes about food, eating or nourishment that you’d like to share with our readers? In my culture, food is comfort. Warming and well… soulful! My favorite ‘saying’ is the prayer; we would gather as a family to give thanks. I felt at that moment, the family bond was more connected than ever.

Tosha is a Green Side Up Team Member originally from the Bay Area in Cali. Green Side Up Vertical Farming was founded in 2022 by Las Vegas locals Alaric Overbey and Mitchell Bryant. Green Side Up was founded to address the nationwide issue of "food deserts” by utilizing the power of vertical farming to provide fresh, cost-effective, and locally- grown produce to those in need. Where did you learn this recipe? On a journey to find ways to incorporate healthier habits; I pulled from different recipes in order to create a dish that would balance the duality of keeping the integrity of my deeply rooted traditions and nourish my body to stick around long enough to teach the next generation to thrive!



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