Sol Connection Vol.1 - Issue 2

How to Prepare:



Place cleaned & chopped greens in a large bowl and sprinkle with a small amount of avocado oil and massage the greens until they are tender (very important step).

3 bunches of Collards washed & julienned Avocado oil 1 bell pepper 1/2 yellow onion freshly minced 2 garlic cloves freshly minced Red pepper flakes Your choice of Bone broth or Vegetable broth Salt, pepper to taste

In a nonstick skillet add 1 tablespoon of avocado oil, then add bell peppers and the onions. once the bell peppers are tender, add the garlic. 2. Slowly add the tenderized greens, making sure to mix constantly. 3. Add seasoning to taste and cover the pan half way with the bone broth. 4. Place the lid on and turn the greens down to a simmer and check the greens every 15/20mins until they are cooked to your desired texture. 5.

Pro Tip: Don’t skip the massaging of the greens nor the red pepper flakes…this makes the greens tender, and takes away any bitterness without using sugar or vinegar. Also, Bone broth is richer in depth of flavor and considered a better choice. Do you have a recipe you'd like to share with our community? Consider sharing your favorite meal with us in future issue! Email us at


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