Sol Connection Vol.1 - Issue 2

Redefining Health: A Path to Wellness

By Brenda M Hernandez (She/Her)

My mother, Veronica, has gone through a profound health transformation that began with her kidney failure when she was only 50. Before that, she was dealing with high blood pressure, thyroid issues, and insulin resistance for several years. At that moment, realizing her health was declining, she heard an intuitive voice: “My body told me, you know what, Veronica, this is it; you gotta do something about it because I can’t handle the process you’re putting me through.”

Initially, she was frustrated due to a lack of guidance from her doctors, who only prescribed medication without exploring non-pharmaceutical alternatives. This lack of support is not uncommon in the profit-driven medical industry. Taking matters into her own hands, my mother turned to online research. She found doctors on YouTube who explained her health conditions and the root causes. Through this, she gained a better understanding of her body and the crucial role of nutrition. Our family had always relied on traditional Mexican foods like taquitos and tamales, often followed by pancito y un cafecito.


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