Sol Connection Vol.1 - Issue 2

She explained that our Mexican food is inherently healthy but it's the introduction of highly processed foods that impacted our diets negatively. In Mexico, she reflected on a Tia telling her the importance of using fresh ingredients, “aqui no se usan latas, tienes que hacer todo fresquesito,” which was a stark contrast to the convenience-driven use of canned and processed foods in the United States. Her trust in food companies dissolved as she learned they often sell products that harm our health over time. This revelation transformed her relationship with food. Despite the difficulty of unlearning decades of habits, her motivation remained strong: “I want to see my grandchildren; I want them to see me be old. My mom died really young. My kids didn’t enjoy her. So I want their grandma to be there.”

This desire to be a part of her grandchildren’s lives motivated her to embrace this new health journey. Now my mother is also taking a more involved in her healthcare. She confirms online information with her doctors, closely monitors her lab work, and asks informed questions during her visits. Also, she works with her healthcare providers to integrate holistic methods, reducing pharmaceutical interventions when possible.


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